Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Romeo & Juliet - Nurses Role essays
Romeo & Juliet - Nurse's Role essays The play, Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare, is about two teenagers called Romeo and Juliet who fall in love. Only one person knows about it, and that is Juliets nurse. Romeo and Juliets families hate each other, so they do not tell their parents, because they would be extremely angry that they were in love, and would not let Romeo and Juliet see each other. Throughout the play we see the Nurse as a comedian, or in some parts, such as Tybalts death, a serious character. I see the nurse as motherly, as she treats Juliet as if she were her own daughter, and knows her a lot better than Juliets mother. Juliets mother did not even know her own daughters age. The nurse often acted before thinking about the problems they would cause. When Juliet and Romeo first met, the nurse asked him his name, and even though she found out he was a member of the Montagues, which was the hated family of Juliets family, she still told Juliet. Juliet said, My only love, sprung from my only hate which shows that she was very upset, and confused about what to do. The Nurse doesnt see what is so awful about it, and helps Romeo and Juliet meet in secret. The nurse also helped Romeo and Juliet marry in secret. This shows she was more like a friend than a nurse to Juliet, as she risked her job to help Juliet. Juliet asked her to go and find Romeo, and see if he had made arrangements for their marriage. Romeo had, and said, some means to come to shrift this afternoon, And there she shall at Friar Lawrence cell The nurse was protective of Juliet, because after Romeo had told her about the marriage arrangements she asked him if he was trustworthy, she said, Is your man secret? Did you neer hear say, Two may keep counsel, putting one away? ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Using Glob with Directories in Ruby
Using Glob with Directories in Ruby Globbing files (with Dir.glob) in Ruby allows you to select just the files you want, such as all the XML files, in a given directory. Even though Dir.blogà is likeà regularà expressions, it is not. Its very limited compared to Rubys regular expressions and is more closely related to shell expansion wildcards. The opposite of globbing, iterating over all the files in a directory, can be done with the Dir.foreachà method. Example The following glob will match all files ending in .rb in the current directory. It uses a single wildcard, the asterisk. The asterisk will match zero or more characters, so any file ending in .rb will match this glob, including a file called simply .rb, with nothing before the file extension and its preceding period. The glob method will return all files that match the globbing rules as an array, which can be saved for later use or iterated over. #!/usr/bin/env ruby Dir.glob(*.rb).each do|f| puts f end Wildcards and More There are only a few wildcards to learn: * ââ¬â Match zero or more characters. A glob consisting of only the asterisk and no other characters or wildcards will match all files in the current directory. The asterisk is usually combined with a file extension if not more characters to narrow down the search.** ââ¬â Match all directories recursively. This is used to descend into the directory tree and find all files in sub-directories of the current directory, rather than just files in the current directory. This wildcard is explored in the example code below.? ââ¬â Match any one character. This is useful for finding files whose name are in a particular format. For example, 5 characters and a .xml extension could be expressed as .xml.[a-z] ââ¬â Match any character in the character set. The set can be either a list of characters or a range separated with the hyphen character. Character sets follow the same syntax as and behave in the same manner as character sets in regular expressions.{a,b} ââ¬â Match patter n a or b. Though this looks like a regular expression quantifier, it isnt. For example, in regular expression, the pattern a{1,2} will match 1 or 2 a characters. In globbing, it will match the string a1 or a2. Other patterns can be nested inside of this construct. One thing to consider is case sensitivity. Its up to the operating system to determine whether TEST.txt and TeSt.TxT refer to the same file. On Linux and other systems, these are different files. On Windows, these will refer to the same file. The operating system is also responsible for the order in which the results are displayed. It may differ if youre on Windows versus Linux, for example. One final thing to note is the Dir[globstring] convenience method. This is functionally the same as Dir.glob(globstring) and is also semantically correct (you are indexing a directory, much like an array). For this reason, you may see Dir[] more often than Dir.glob, but they are the same thing. Examples Using Wildcards The following example program will demonstrate as many patterns as it can in many different combinations. #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Get all .xml files Dir[*.xml] # Get all files with 5 characters and a .jpg extension Dir[.jpg] # Get all jpg, png and gif images Dir[*.{jpg,png,gif}] # Descend into the directory tree and get all jpg images # Note: this will also file jpg images in the current directory Dir[**/*.jpg] # Descend into all directories starting with Uni and find all # jpg images. # Note: this only descends down one directory Dir[Uni**/*.jpg] # Descend into all directories starting with Uni and all # subdirectories of directories starting with Uni and find # all .jpg images Dir[Uni**/**/*.jpg]
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Week Two Discussion Questons and Participation Questions Essay
Week Two Discussion Questons and Participation Questions - Essay Example Ironically Toyota prior to the scandal had one of the best quality track records in the industry. Legal risks can be minimized by including clauses in the sales contract of new vehicles that document how long a warranty lasts. Regulatory agencies can have a major impact on the everyday operations of an enterprise. A regulatory agency that oversees all manufacturing operations in America is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The mission of EPA is to protect human health and to protect the environment. One of the laws EPA enforces is the Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile sources (EPA, 2010). Due to the rigorous environmental standard in the United States certain multinational corporations preferred to establish subsidiaries in foreign location where the environmental laws are softer. This strategy can be used to evade environmental policies. Another environmental law that the EPA regulates is the Safe Drinking Water Act. This Act protects the quality of the water US citizens consume. In poor underdeveloped countries such as the nations located in the Sub-Saharan desert there is major water scarcity and the quality of the water is extremely poor. The existence of regulatory agencies such as the EPA protects the quality of life of the people. In your discussion you mentioned that some corporations are able to evade environmental laws by moving to locations outside the United States. I believe this practice is unethical because these companies know that they are hurting the environment with polluting agents. A way to stop this practice is for the United Nations to create a global environmental agency to oversee the activity of corporations. This way companies will have to adapt to the global laws which should help lower air, soil, and water pollution. Within your responses you mentioned that a way to deal with product liabilities is to establish warranty protocols. For example in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
PERSONAL BRAND Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PERSONAL BRAND - Essay Example I think this is what attracted me to the profession during my youthful days. However, as I grew up I came to learn more about the banking industry and the opportunities that presents itself to people in the industry. As I went on my high school education, I did more research on what subjects I was required to pass in order for me to join a campus in pursuing a relevant course. It is after high school that I decided to pursue a bachelorââ¬â¢s course in management, which I knew would be instrumental in achieving my professional goals. As I go about my campus education, I have learned a lot both about the industry and myself that equips me with all the necessary skills needed for a career in the industry. I have learnt a lot, and still believe that there is more to learn in and from the industry. Throughout my education life, I have acquired various skills. Firstly, I have acquired great computer skills both through education, and through my own general practice. I am proficient in M icrosoft office applications. I have perfected my skills especially in Microsoft word, Microsoft access, Microsoft power point, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft publisher. I have focused mainly on these five applications since they are the ones used among the Microsoft office applications in the banking industry. ... This I have done by personally studying CPA. I posses good communication skills which I have acquired over the years especially in my campus education. I also possess profound marketing skills, which I have acquired throughout the course. Such skills have been strengthened during small business projects that I have undertaken together with my classmates that have required us to use and compliment our skills since we needed to market both our products and ourselves. All the above skills are crucial in the banking industry irrespective of the profession one specializes in. when it comes to management I believe the skills I posses are very advantageous and some distinguish me from others in the discipline. I believe that in any profession personal values are important since they help one in making sure that they approach their profession with ethically. I come from a Christian family hence I have had Christian values instilled in me since I was a child. I believe in being honest thus as I go about my life I make sure I am honest all the time. This is advantageous since honesty is important especially in the banking industry since one is tasked with handling huge sum of money where without honesty one might be influenced to try and steal some. I also believe in working hard and going out of my way in meeting both my goals and those of the institutions. I also believe in giving back to the community especially if I am financially able. This is where I believe that I must help those unfortunate in life both financially and emotionally since it is a humane thing to do. I also believe that conservation of the environment is paramount and I do my best to ensure I
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Using Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon Essay Example for Free
Using Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon Essay Many feel that the mentally challenged are put through the many hardships of prejudice and maltreatment by people who lack the knowledge and understanding of their mental conditions. Usually what people dont know about, they consider strange or awkward and this is the case with the hardships of the mentally challenged. Prejudice, maltreatment and ignorance towards the mentally challenged are illustrated by the novel, Flowers for Algernon. In Flowers for Algernon, Charlie Gordon, being mentally challenged, goes through many experiences when he is pre judged by many people, especially those who claim to be his friends. These friends of his have the wrong ideas and wrong views when it comes to the mentally challenged. They believe that if an amputee has no limb then maybe a retard has no brain, which is completely irrelevant. Joe Carp said hey look Charlie had his operashun what did they do Charlie put some brains in (Keyes, 16) Just because someone is mentally challenged is no reason for believing that they are not capable of learning or doing anything and that is exactly what his friends and many others did to Charlie. I asked Joe Carp how he lerned to read and if I could lern to read to. He laffed like he always done when I said something funny and he says to me Charlie why waste your time they cant put any branes in where there aint none. (Keyes, 19) The hardships of prejudice that are faced by Charlie in his retarded state later change the way he looks at the world in general. Along with prejudice, Charlie, was also maltreated by his so-called friends and many other people, including his own mother. Rose, Charlies mother, wanted so much for Charlie to learn and become somebody in life and she did not want to accept that he was mentally challenged. This was not really helping him much. He is afraid to go there alone. He reaches up to her hand and sobs out: Toi-toi and she slaps his hand away. (Keyes, 55) Charlie was not only subjected to physical abuse and maltreatment but he also received emotional maltreatment from the people at the bakery by allowing Charlie to believe that he is one of their friends, but really is not treated as a friend should and is instead treated as the subject of their jokes. Then Frank Reilly said what did you do Charlie open a door the hard way. That made me laff. Their my friends and they really like me. (Keyes, 16) Maybe if Charlies mother and his fellow workers knew more about his conditions, then there may have been less maltreatment and abuse toward him. Maybe if everyone knew more about the conditions of the mentally challenged, then there may have been less subjection, for Charlie and other retarded people, to the many hardships the exist. It dont mean nothing, laughed Frank. It dont hurt him. He dont know any better. Do you, Charlie? (Keyes 42) Even his own mother did not really make much of an attempt at learning more about her sons conditions. She did not even want to see the truth of Charlies problems and thought that if he cannot do it, she had the right to disregard him. go to the washroom. Go by yourself. You know how to go. Cant you see he wants you to take him. (Keyes 53) At times she even tried to beat knowledge into him but instead of learning whatever it was his mother was teaching him, he was emotionally scarred. Its a pity to imagine that this could be happening anywhere and that it may not just be a story. In Conclusion, Flowers for Algernon helps demonstrate how the mentally challenged are judged and treated badly because of the lack of knowledge people have of them. The prejudice Charlie faces is mainly caused by is caused by ignorance people have of his conditions which eventually leads to his maltreatment. All people should take some time to think and learn more about what is happening and being done to make mentally challenged people go through the many hardships they go through.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Platonic Justice Essay -- Papers Essays Philosophy Plato
Platonic Justice Throughout Platos Republic, the subject of platonic justice and its goodness to its self arise and are discussed amongst Plato and his peers. At the beginning of The Republic, Plato asks the fundamental question of what is justice? Looking to define the ideal state of justice, Plato reasons that he must first define justice in theory before he can use justice practically. Platonic Justice is defined as being a harmony between the tripartite soul in which reasons guide the spirit and appetite. Justice is said to be good in itself and good in its practical ends. It is educating desires, implementing the human faculty of reason. Justice is not the interest of the stronger, but more the interest of the weaker. An unjust life, which is dominated by the spirit, leads one to an addiction for material goods or possessions. A platonically just life leads to harmony, balance, and virtue. A just life in this case allows attainment of satisfaction where as an unjust life does not. The truly unj ust ultimately destroy themselves, whereas the truly just preserve themselves. Wether or not Platonic Justice is good for its own sake is to be determined. After Plato debates and dismisses that justice is the interest of the stronger and that the unjust life has an advantage to the just life, Plato, lacking a firm answer on justice seems to say that justice is a balance of the soul. As Plato is debating this question Thrasymachus joins in and presents the first possible definition of justice as the interest of the stronger, that might is right. Socrates enters the conversation and attempts to define justice. Socrates says that subjects obey their rulers and these rulers are not perfect, they sometimes make mistakes. If justi... ...an animal the spirited man moves from one satiation to the next. However, a life dominated by reason, in which reason balances the spirited and appetitive natures to harmony, results in a good life. Thus the just person will have the appetitive, spirited, and reasoning aspects of the soul in harmony, with reason to guide and director of the passions and appetite. Lacking a concrete definition, justice would be the balance of the tripartite soul, with reason in control. Justice is a harmony between the tripartite soul in which reason guides the spirit and appetite. Justice is good in itself and good in its practical ends. Justice is educating desires, implementing the human faculty of reason. A just life leads to harmony, balance, and virtue. This is to what Plato ponders throughout the opening of The Republic and considers the great question amongst his peers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Discuss the Narrative Method of Kurt
Discuss the Narrative method of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegutââ¬â¢s Slaughterhouse Five is a that in no way can be treated as one-dimensional one. It deals with the historical events like the bombing of Dresden, socio-cultural reality of America in the 1960s and the alternative world of Tralfamadorians. Although three different realms are combined, the novel does not present anything that could be perceived as unseen. Its exceptionality comes from a less explored perspective ââ¬â the novelââ¬â¢s unique narrative structure.It seems obvious that the text could not have been interpreted with the use of traditional interpretational tools therefore Vonnegut introduced a new method of narration. The main focus of the analysis are several devices Vonnegut uses to create his narration. First of all the story has in fact two narrators not one. In this way the reader sees more clearly that he narration technique is in a way turned upside down. The narrator not nec essarily loses his traditional role and still influences the way readers perceive the plot but a slight difference can be noticed.What is more, contrary to the potential assumptions of the reader, Slaughterhouse-Five not entirely breaks out with the convention of an anti-war book. The second issue that needs to be looked upon are the stylistic devices use by the author. Those are: the collage technique, the foreshadowing of some of the events and multitude of repetitions. These tools can be traced in every chapter of the novel. Moreover both of them connect different levels in the plot. The third aspect of the novel is Vonnegutââ¬â¢s attempt to explore the subconscious of the protagonist with the use of Tralfamadorian reality.It might be argued whether the authorââ¬â¢s intention was to make the reader believe in alternative world or to present the main character as schizophrenic. By the matter of fact such question is legitimate as the topic of schizophrenia can be easily asso ciated with Billy Pilgrimââ¬â¢s travels in time and space. From the first sentence in the novel the reader becomes aware that it is impossible to state whether the story is true or fictitious. ââ¬Å"All this happened, more or less. â⬠(p. 5) Throughout those words the reader is confronted with is the question of truth.In this way Vonnegut gives the reader a thrill and achieves the effect of reality. On the one hand the reader feels that the story is a fiction on the other however some parts of the story seem to be far too realistic to be artificial. Moreover Vonnegut calls his novel ââ¬Å"a failure. â⬠(p. 14) With this expression he again brings it into question the truthfulness of the reported facts. The question whether the novel tells a real story or is only a successful mystification is left to the reader to answer by himself. The story begins in chapter II.The author introduces the protagonist named Billy Pilgrim who describes his time travels. As the story unfo lds the reader gets more details about the alternative world of the Tralfamadorians. The idea of time traveling as well as the utopian life on another planet is, by the matter of fact, just a renewed and transferred to the modern versions of topics introduced to literature centuries earlier by Thomas More or Jonathan Swift. There is however one aspect, which is worth a particular amount of attention ââ¬â the way the story is presented.Taking into consideration the fact that it is Billy who describes what happened it is odd that every expression, Billy utters, is commented on with the words ââ¬Å"he saysâ⬠. (p. 20) At first sight this may not seem important but it points to the question of truth. Does Billy travel to remote areas, or does he only say so? Vonnegut asks this question every time he repeats those words. Another device used by the narrator is the foreshadowing of important events. As an example one may look at the following expression: ââ¬Å"Billy sat down in t he waiting room. He wasn't a widower yet. â⬠(p. 4) By foreshadowing some of the important events in the story the author breaks with the concept of time. He deliberately upsets the chronology in the novel. It is visible especially when Vonnegut places the first and the last sentences of the novel next to each other. That procedure forces the reader more focused while reading the novel, more careful in search of full understanding. What is more not only the concept of chronology but also tension is rejected in the novel. Vonnegut avoids tension by anticipating some of the events which are connected with a given character, for example: ââ¬Å"His name was Howard W.Campbell, Jr. He would later hang himself while awaiting trial as a war criminal. â⬠(p. 63); Next technique used by Vonnegut repetition of some phrases. The repetitions appear throughout the novel in different contexts. ââ¬Å"I drive my wife away with a breath like mustard gas and roses. â⬠(p. 6) This quot ation occurs in the first chapter which describes the genesis of his novel. It is used again in chapter four, when Billy imagines that he can smell somebodyââ¬â¢s breath and once again in the war episode when the protagonist describes the bodies: ââ¬Å"rotted and liquefiedâ⬠and the smell was ââ¬Å"like roses and mustard gas. (p. 105) The smell is a kind of a sign which links the past with the present. The repetitions also join several episodes of the novel in order to make it less chaotic and incoherent and introduce a kind of structure. That in turn makes the novel more coherent and easier to follow. Apart from stylistic devices which Vonnegut, with all his mastery, uses to create the unique atmosphere Slaughterhouse Five turns out to be also a in-depth study of human psyche. The psychological aspect of the book is, however, deftly disguised with the use of alien society of the Tralfamadorians.The symbolic meaning of this alternative reality is in fact more than a symbol , as it becomes true to some extent at some of the points of the novel. What is more Billyââ¬â¢s stay also make the reader raises more questions than it would be possible to provide answers to. Who or what are Tralfamadorians? Are they a symbol of an ideal society that is a far cry from the one known and used on Earth? A morality which just like many which preceded it should show us the way?Or maybe the planet exists only in Billy's imagination and is nothing more than a plaint of a mind tormented by regret, a world existing in Billy's reality only? It is difficult to state whether Vonnegut wants to impose the expression that Billy is schizophrenic or whether he tries to convince the reader that the Tralfamadorians really exist. It is essential to notice that Vonnegut does use the word schizophrenia from the very beginning of the novel. ââ¬Å"This is a novel somewhat in the telegraphic schizophrenic manner of tales of the planet Tralfamadore, where the flying saucers come from. â⬠(p. ) Ambiguous as it is this statement still points out to the fact that the authorââ¬â¢s intention was to mislead the reader a make him believe that schizophrenia might be the key issue, an element that should not be omitted. What is schizophrenia? According to R. D. Laing schizophrenia can be described as: ââ¬Å"a special strategy that a person invents in order to live an unlivable situation. â⬠This definition contrary to the strictly medical, that is traditional view seems to focus less on the fact that schizophrenia is a serious mental illness and more on the opportunities a split personality provides.According to this definition the fact that oneââ¬â¢s personality can be torn apart because of the negative environment is a understandable defensive reaction. Might it be then a coincidence that the Tralfamadorians themselves might be treated as schizophrenic as they all the time neglect any negative implications in life and exclusively focus on the positive m oments. Taking into consideration all the troubles Billy experiences during his lifetime, it seems obvious that Slaughterhouse Five tells a story of a man who can perceive his life as a failure.The protagonist has a negative childhood, marries a woman whom he pities but not love, so he is relieved when he loses her. He experiences much during the war, almost dies in a plane-crash and his children are hard to raise and difficult to love. For those reasons Billyââ¬â¢s life might be described as unlivable. Can one find a better reason to break the identity in half and try to find shelter in the depths of oneââ¬â¢s mind? It seems to be a logical consequence for the protagonist. Mental illness perceived as a kind of barrier is also referred to several times in the novel.As an example Rosewater, one of the characters in the novel utters an assumption that life is too heavy a burden to be bearable for some eg. ââ¬Å"Another time Billy heard Rosewater say to the psychiatrist, ââ¬Ë I think you guys are going to have to come up with a lot of wonderful new lies, or people just aren't going to want to go on living. ââ¬Ëâ⬠(p. 50) Also one of the descriptions given refers to one of the characteristic feature of schizophrenia ââ¬â hallucinations ââ¬â by stating: ââ¬Å" Billy Pilgrim was having a delightful hallucination. He was wearing dry, warm, white sweatsocks, and he was skating on a ballroom floor.Thousands cheered. This wasn't time-travel. It had never happened, never would happen. It was the craziness of a dying young man with his shoes full of snow. â⬠(p. 26) Again the author uses those expressions not without a reason. With a few sentences he reveals the delicate inside of his character, makes him more approachable as if he felt obliged to provide an explanation to his visions of a better life on another planet. Vonnegut makes even a step further by deriving Billyââ¬â¢s illness from the physical consequences of the plane-crash.Apa rt from the fact that Billy was the only person which managed to survive still he suffered from severe brain damages. This might have created the perfect mental environment for creating Tralfamadorians. Another device the author uses in narrating is placing information about novels written by Billyââ¬â¢s favorite author Kilgore Trout. The plot of those novels also influenced Billyââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"time travelsâ⬠as one of them, entitled The Big Board (p. 105) tells the story of a couple which have being abducted by aliens and shown in a zoo.It is than possible that Billy might have taken this story as a real one and projected the idea on himself. Vonnegut confirms this belief in chapter nine writing: ââ¬Å"So they were trying to reinvent themselves and their universe. Science fiction was a big help. â⬠(p. 50) Nevertheless the mental state of the main character is in no way clear for some parts of the chapter are narrated as if the protagonist experienced the travel: â â¬Å"Billy was unconscious for two days after that, and he dreamed of millions of things, some of them true. The true things were time-travel. â⬠(p. 7) It seems obvious that the author deliberately makes the reader confused. This assumption can be proved as the narrator makes a clear distinction between time-travel and plain fantasy. However one can also say that ââ¬Å"Vonnegut seems to supply internal evidence for a psychological explanation of Tralfamadore while at the same time denying that evidence with a contradictory narrative statement. â⬠(Harris 235) It can only imply that reading Slaughterhouse-Five, one can suspect that Vonnegutââ¬â¢s intention is far from being interested in accuracy as far as the subdivision between reality and fiction is concerned.Only by such narration technique Vonnegut was able to allow the protagonist to solve the conflicts which thorn him apart, even if the only way to do it was to split his identity by introducing schizophrenia. Sl aughterhouse-Five is obviously one of the novels that could not be forgotten for it differs to a large extent from other works from this genre. The author, on purpose, neglects all values and norms. What is more no principles of logic can be applied to the plot. Therefore just like the novel is narrated in a completely new way, it needs also to be read differently in order to fully understand itââ¬â¢s unique utterance.BIBLIOGRAPHY: (1)Kurt Vonnegut. Slaughterhouse-Five. Great Britain, Jonathan Cape Ltd 1970 available in PDF version on: http://chomikuj. pl/Angouleme/e-booki/Kurt+Vonnegut+-+Slaughterhouse-Five,58449367. pdf (2)A quote by R. D. Laing found on: http://www. quoteland. com/topic/Madness-Quotes/538/ (3)Charles B. Harris, ââ¬Å"Time, Uncertainty, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. : A Reading of Slaughterhouse Five,'â⬠Farmington Hills: Gale Group. October, 2001 Can be viewed at: http://infotrac. galegroup. com/galenet? cause=http%3A%2F%2Fgalenet. galegroup. com%2Fservlet%2FDC% 2F%3FfinalAuth%3Dtrue&cont=&sev=temp&type=session&sserv=no
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Employee Relations Essay
In various business organizations, we find that, many employees are neglected and are most often demoralized, not motivated in performing their duties in the particular organisation, thus encouraging a poor employee relations, but in the United Kingdom, many businesses are flourishing, since they have set up an enabled system that tends to come up with factors that makes the firm to get a frequent and significant recognition of its employees, thus enhancing a good employee relations. The factors that are known to be most influential in the shaping of these employee relations in the United Kingdom are as follows: Communication In this case, we find that, most managers come up with a system to re-examine the performance of their employees. This system normally, include a precise communication system that brings an understanding between the employees and the management team, under which, the employees seem to appreciate the principles on which they are assessed thus, encouraging justice and equal opportunities in the organisation. The firms have an established internal coordination system and structure; this is usually a practical cooperation that helps to build stronger relationships among the employees. Thus there is the recognition of each employeeââ¬â¢s contributions. In a firm every department has employees with different skills that are required at different roles. Therefore, the managers bring all these skills together, so that the firms objectives are achieved, and therefore, each employee is meant to understand what these objectives are, and how the different skills and functions within the firm are to contribute in achieving the goals of having a better employee relations, therefore they should know why they need to support each others efforts. Motivation The success of an organisation basically, depends on the employees using their full skills and knowledge in their production, therefore, these employees require motivation, and this motivation can be done in different ways and by different things. The employee Motivation in the United Kingdom normally involves, the compensation system which is the activity of giving the employees what they really want most from work, it therefore makes the manager, get his expectations from the employees, this expectations may include; production of quality goods and services. Motivation will enable the employees to have their goals in the organisation achieved; they will have a positive perspective on their position in the organisation. Motivation also creates the influence to change and build employees self-esteem and capacity to work. The managers have the responsibility of motivating workers, when the organizational structure is experiencing changes, and in this case, we find that the manager comes up with a plan that is used to define the environmental factors that brings an atmosphere of integrity, honesty, and confidence to the employees. Under this, the managersââ¬â¢ plan considers the factors that motivate the employees; this involves the determination of the important factors to the employee in his working life, and how they relate to his productivity. He also finds out what motivates the employees in their work, this is a situation where, we find most employees wanting a privileged compensation, an enhanced working environment, and flexible benefits from the amount of work that they do. This is always done by, asking them during the performance assessment, attitude inspection, and is also retrieved from informal discussion on what the employees want most from their jobs. On the other hand, the managers also spot the de-motivating factors of the organisation to the employees; these factors may be physical factors which include buildings or equipment or psychological factors such as monotony, injustice, barriers to promotion and lack of appreciation which normally affects the employee relations in an organisation. Since most workers in the United Kingdom claim to be working for money, and that their extreme benefit is encouragement; under this, money is always regarded to be a low motivator, and that it is only a short time motivator, after a rise is given to the employees salary, so the managers are always aware that benefits given after a particular performance rarely motivate their employees to use their potential effectively, most of the employees say that, the benefits are only used to motivate the new employees in the organisation but not the existing ones. Change Management Poor employee relations is normally said to be a leading factor to a change in an organizationsââ¬â¢ performance; therefore most managers have been seen adopting a policy for managing changes within their organizations. In this case, we find that the introduction of this change is always meant to be motivating to the employees, since it is always used as an entry to the firmsââ¬â¢ better achievement of its goals. To achieve a positive change in an organisation in the UK, the managers do not tell or instruct the employees, this does not help, but it only creates ignorance to the doubts and expectations of the employees, therefore the management team in an organization carry out discussions, through which the sharing of a particular problem helps in the creation of a better actions in dealing with the issues that are predicted to affect the productivity of the firm, due to the shared ideas and decision making processes derived from the open discussions, the employees are able to realize a change in the organizational performance. Changes in any organisation in the United Kingdom, normally involve learning, where the managers are able to know the learning capabilities of every employee in the organisation. Under this, one finds that his employees are categorized as follows; activists the manager may find that some of his employees like involving themselves in new ideas, problems, or opportunities meaning that, they do not like being impartial, Theorists, this is the category of learners, who are always comfortable with ideas they do not prefer involving themselves deeply without a reason. The other category is that of reflectors; they like taking time to think through things, thus they do not like being forced to move from one thing to another rashly and lastly the pragmatists they normally prefer to be linked between issues and their job description. Therefore, the manager is always in a position to deal with his employees who have different learning preferences and approaches, who may also respond differently to diverse situations affecting the organisation. In this learning process the manager is expected to give feedback, that plays a major role in motivating the employees, thus he should not leave the employees guessing the progress of their accomplishments, therefore, the managers always give adequate and accurate information on the development. Employee Recognition This is another factor that the employers put into consideration for the organisation to improve its employee relations, this is basically a communication instrument, which strengthens and compensates the most significant production that the employees have created for the organisation. The recognition structure is always made simple, instant, and effectively supportive to the employeesââ¬â¢ relations and the organisation at large. Under this, the management team ensures that a principle for performance is established, involving the rewardable behaviour of the employees thus all of them are entitled to the recognition by the employer. This recognition supplies the employees with specific information about the behaviour they are being rewarded for. The management therefore, states that any employee who performs at a specified level receives a reward. Basically recognition occurs hand in hand with performance of the employees, thus it reinforces the employeesââ¬â¢ encouragement and thus improving the workforce relations. Culture This is another factor that is most influential in the employee relations in an organisation, culture basically means, the environment surrounding an employee at work. In the United Kingdom we find that, culture is meant to shape the relationship of an employee and his work in an organisation. Culture represents an employeeââ¬â¢s personality that carries principles, attitude, fundamental interests, knowledge, background, and behaviour that creates a personââ¬â¢s behaviour. Culture is particularly inclined by the organizationââ¬â¢s management team due to the roles in decision making and strategic direction they impose in the organisation. We find the managers put in mind that culture is learned, thus employees are capable of learning how to perform, employees value rewards that are not associated with behaviours, since they have different needs, shared rewards from co-workers or have their most important needs met in their departments or project teams.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Let the Word Do the Work
Let the Word Do the Work Let the Word Do the Work Let the Word Do the Work By Maeve Maddox When language-mutilator Yogi Berra said that something was like deja vu all over again, everybody laughed. Lately I get the feeling that some people who say it dont know its a joke. Yogis belts and suspenders approach to words seems to be on the increase. Weve all seen ads that offer a free gift. Sometimes its an absolutely free gift. Its as if people dont trust a word to mean what it means. Some recent examples from the media include: adequate enough, a navy sailor, an army soldier, coupled together with, and the maroon-colored Jaguar. Sometimes explanatory constructions are necessary in certain contexts. One can refer to a Mafia soldier, for example, but if the context is the evening news about the Iraq war, a listener can be trusted to understand the word without tacking on army. Besides sounding foolish, the practice of bolstering a word with a a word that replicates its meaning weakens the expressiveness of the language. Here are some redundant combinations Ive heard or read lately in the media. The careful writer will avoid such nonsense. return back progress forward forests of trees other alternatives continue on evacuated out regress back penetrate through speeding too fast refinanced again a human person charred black a baby nursery reiterate again fast forward ahead socialize together two twin towers added bonus end result new innovation very unique Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowBetween vs. In Between5 Examples of Misplaced Modifiers
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Differences Between Baleen and Toothed Whales
Differences Between Baleen and Toothed Whales Cetaceans are a group of aquatic mammals which include all the varieties of whales and dolphins. There are over 80 recognized species of cetaceans, including both freshwater and saltwater natives. These species are divided into two main groups: the baleen whalesà and the toothed whales. While they are all considered whales, there are some important differences between the two types.à Baleen Whales Baleen is a substance made of keratin (the protein that makes up human fingernails). Baleenà whales have as many as 600 plates of baleen in their upper jaws.à Whales strain seawater through the baleen, and hairs on the baleen capture fish, shrimp, and plankton. The salt water then flows back out of the whales mouth. The largest baleen whales strain and eat as much as a ton of fish and plankton each day. There are 12 species of baleen whales which live all over the world. Baleen whales were (and still sometimes are) hunted for their oil and ambergris; in addition, many are injured by boats, nets, pollution, and climate change. As a result, some species of baleen whales are endangered or near extinction. Baleen whales: Are generally larger than toothed whales. The largest animal in the world, the blue whale, is a baleen whale.Feed on smaller fish and plankton with a filtering system made up of hundreds of baleen plates.Tend to be solitary, although they occasionally gather in groups to feed or to travel.Have two blowholes on top of their head, one right next to the other (toothed whales have only one).Female baleen whales are larger than males of the same species. Examples of baleen whales include the blue whale, right whale, fin whale, and humpback whale. Toothed Whales It may come as a surprise to learn that the toothed whales include all species ofà dolphinsà and porpoises. In fact, 32 species of dolphins and 6 species of porpoises are toothed whales. Orcas, sometimes called killerà whales, are actually the worlds largest dolphins. While whales are larger than dolphins, dolphins are large (and more talkative) than porpoises.à Some toothed whales are freshwater animals; these include six species of river dolphins. River dolphins are freshwater mammals with long snouts and small eyes, which live in rivers in Asia and South America. Like baleen whales, many species of toothed whales are endangered. Toothed whales: Are generally smaller than baleen whales, although there are some exceptions (e.g., the sperm whale and Bairds beaked whale).à Are active predators and have teeth that they use to catch their prey and swallow it whole. The prey varies depending on species but can include fish, seals, sea lions or even other whales.Have a much stronger social structure than baleen whales, often gathering in pods with a stable social structure.Have one blowhole on top of their head.Unlike baleen whales, males of toothed whales species are usually larger than females. Examples of toothed whales include the beluga whale, bottlenose dolphin, and common dolphin.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
From poe to pole Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
From poe to pole - Assignment Example They are exposed to extremely low temperatures and darkness throughout the winter period but they still survive after the season is over. When I first saw the conditions these animals are exposed to I could not believe that they can sustain their lives for four months. As a human, I am aware that warmth and food are critical conditions for survival. However, the documentary has opened my eyes to appreciate the fact that humans are made different from wild animals. Humans have access to shelter and can change their lifestyles according to changing seasons. For instance, all the animals migrate when winter starts but the emperor penguin and the polar bears live behind (BBC 1). The most important observation is that seasons influence animal behaviour tremendously because animals strive for survival. For instance, the emperor penguins are constantly standing during the winter season. It was astonishing and I forced myself to do some research on the penguinââ¬â¢s behaviour. I discovered that standing on their feet reduces their area of contact with ice to minimal levels and enables them preserve the little body heat that they have. In fact, it was surprising to note that they incubate eggs during the winter season. The other interesting point relates to the existence of the Amur leopard that leaves in the forests of eastern Russia. They are forty in number and are considered to be the rarest cat in the world. According to the narrator, the rare existence of the Amur leopard "symbolises the fragility of our natural heritage" (BBC 1). It is interestingà to haveà the narrator connect the existence of animals to the impact of nature on wildlife. The most valued things in life are rare to be found and difficult to get. Our national heritage consists of our values and our environment. However, the world has been experiencing environmental degradation with the increase in human as well as animal population. However, humans are the biggest cause of the fragility of natural
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