Friday, June 7, 2019
Atlas Honda Motorcycle company â⬠BRM report Essay Example for Free
Atlas Honda bicycle comp all BRM report Es separateAtlas Auto bound manufactures and markets Honda bicycle under a technical assistance agreement with Honda motor steering wheel Company LTD. of Japan. An epoch-making event in the history of the high society cementing of Atlas Honda congress with Honda ride Company LTD. Of Japan becoming as equity-holder in Atlas in 1988. Due to the suitability wide range and steep tincture of the product, Honda pedals argon by for the best selling ride in the country. Turnover has risen from Rs. 2. 5 million in 1965 to Rs. 830 million in1987. Pakistans motorcycle market surface is still relatively quite sm whole Nevertheless.Atlas has undertaken to develop local manufacturing capabilities to the highest-level efficiently feasible small-arm a major(ip) role in localisation principle has been assigned to v residuumor industries. Atlas has invested Rs. 197 million in fixed assets between 1983 and1987 to develop the country largest in ho occasion manufacturing capacity in the industry. By end of 1988 local comp angiotensin-converting enzyment will go upto 70% of Atlas product. Atlas management is strivings to modernize conjunction operation by adapting applicable aspects of research and possibleness and a good deal especi whollyy Hondas philosophy and practices to the realities ofPakistani Conditions Company management structure and processes be cosmos transferred to meet ch whollyenges of growth and change.Effort atomic number 18 being made to develop genuine participation of all levels of personnel in decision making substantial and effective delegation has been established at all level various participation programmes, such as Alaymayar quality circles movement launched in 1985 are supported to encourage constructive self expression and squad work. The company training and development programmes encourage each member to develop himself to his full potential.To support the production facilities the co mpany has established a RD wing and puppet making facilities which are set to grow rapidly in size and function. Atlas is playing a pioneering role in creating conditions for easy and confident use of motorcycle all over the country. A vast ne twainrk of motorcycle, service and share parts dealers has been established to provide dependable service to every motorcycle user. To back up this system, Atlas has set up a permanent motorcycle technical training center in Lahore which provide several courses of vary duration and complexity for motorcycle mechanics user each year.Mobile training facilities take the latest know how on technology and maintenance of motorcycles to major rural centers around the country. ORGANIZATION HISTORY The established year of Atlas Autos Limited in 1963. In 1964 Atlas entered into technical assistance agreement with Honda Motorcycle Company of Japan for manufacturing and assembly of Honda Motorcycle in Pakistan. It is the only Public Limited Company in t he industry of Pakistan. Atlas Autos Limited operate two plants one at Panjdarys Sheikhpura Road Lahore. Both Plants are franchises and arouse relationship of technical collaboration. MAN festerMENT OF ATLAS AUTOS.In 1964 Atlas autos started business as assembly program of Honda Motorcycle, than they came into the business of import Honda spare parts. The organization set up of Atlas is as follows- A Board of Director consists of 7 members, elect a head, president has all managerial authority. Chairman is selected fall out of directors and It is the responsibility of chairman to conduct the business on a satisfactory line and maximize the improvement. After the chairman then comes C. E. O (Chief executive officer). Then for assistance of chairman and C. E. O personal manager, accounts manager, production manager and marketing manager are selected.Seven managers are working under C. E. O each manager is responsible for respective function. There are two sales managers one for North Zone and one for south Zone. In the every zone two provinces. In the North Zone come Punjab, NWFP and Azad Kashmir. In south zone Sindh and Baluchistan. In north zone there are three regions. 1- Lahore 2- Multan 3- Rawalpindi The head of every region is regional manager. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main purpose of my research is- v To Visualize and identify these factors that apply to the demand of Honda Motorcycle in Multan city (Punjab, Pakistan).v To recommend suggestion to increase the demand of Honda Motorcycle and getting much marketing share. RESEARCH externalize Research design is the arrangement to condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine the relevance to research purpose with miserliness in procedure. Measurement For the measurement of attitude of mass, We use open-ended questions as well as fixed alternative questions in our questionnaire. Sampling The basic bringing close together in take is that the analysis of some of the element in the population provide useful informations about entire population. An element is the root word on which themeasurement is being taken. It can be called as the unit of study.Population is the total collection of element about which we wish to make increase. For the selection of sample, we used the stratified sampling. We divide the Mutlan city into 4 regions which are given as under 1. Gulgasht 2. Hussain Agahi 3. Shah Rukan Alam 4. Cantt After dividing the Multan city into different region. The we used random sampling and select 25 respondents from evry region. Our target respondents are the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle. Sample Size Dealers and customers of Honda Motor Cycle are considerably available, so it is easy to select a bigsample size.For the purpose of our research We selected a sample of light speed customers and 3 dealers of Honda Motor Cycle, be throw of the time constraint thats why we selected these customers and dealers. Data solicitation Method The report is based on primary data. Information are directly taken form the customers and dealers of Honda Motor Cycle for the particular purpose. For that purpose we real two questionnaire ( for customers and dealers ). We induct conducted personal survey method. The main qualities of this survey method are as fellows 1. The most important features of this method is that it leads towards high participation. muchover, in in person interview the interview can carry with additional informations. 2. The props and visual aids can also enhance the vision of knowledge of interviewer. The interviewer has much control over the personal interview than other interrogation types. 3. The greatest value of this method is the depth and detail of information that can be secured. It for exceeds in volume and quality, the information we can usually secure from telephone and mail survey. 4. The interview can do more than things to improve the quality of the information current than with other methods.Respondent motivation is heavily in the hand of the interviewer. Studies of reaction to a number of surveys indicate that respondents can be motivated to participate in personal interviews. Medium of Communication All the users of Honda Motor Cycle are non ameliorate. So we adopt different style. For educated persons we use the same questionnaire. solely for uneducated persons we translate the questionnaire for them. Questionnaire For Consumers Q. 1 What is your Occupation? REPONSES % come on Student 15 15% Govt. Employee 40 40% Business man 20 20% Others 25 25% intact degree Celsius c% goal In our respondents 15 persons are students, 40 are Govt.Employee, 20 business man and 25 are related to other occupation. From this result we can say the users of Honda Motorcycle are Govt. Employee and Other occupation. Q. 2 What is your Income Group? REPONSES % term 5000- light speed00 30 30% 1 coulomb0-15000 40 40% 16000-20000 20 20% 2 atomic number 60-25000 8 8% 26000- above 2 2% replete(p) 100 100% Conclusion The respondents whose income is 5000 to 10000 are 30, 11000 to 15000 are 40, from 16000 to 20000 are 20, from 21000 to 25000 are 8 and finally 26000 and above are only 2. So we can say that the user of Honda Motorcycle is middle family people so it is bike of economical people.Q. 3 What is your preference? RESPONSES % AGE Yamaha 0 0% Honda 100 100% Suzuki 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion We have interviewed dependable those persons who are driving Honda Motor Cycle so preference for this sample comes to 100%. Q. 4 You yourself bargain ford it? RESPONSES % AGE Yes 92 No 8 Total 100 Conclusion Out of a sample of 100 respondent 92 were of the view that they personally purchased the bike and 8 state that is give to them by their company. So it means that 92% people have purchased the bike personally which 8% people got it from their company. Q. 5 When did you purchase Honda Motorcycle?RESPONSES % AGE Before 1984 0 0% 1985-1990 10 10% 1991-1995 20 20% 1996-2000 25 25% After 2000 45 45% Total 100 100% Conclusion When we asked this question to respondent, out of 100, 10 were those who purchased during 1985-1990, 20 were those who purchased during 1991-1995, 25 were those who purchased during 1996-2000 and finally 45 were those who purchased after 2000 so we can say that the market or demand of latest model is more than others. Q. 6 Why you purchase Honda Motorcycle? Because of RESPONSES % AGE Fuel consumption 58 58% Less Noisy 0 0% Parts accessibility 0 0% All of the above 42 42% Total.Conclusion Out of 100 respondents, 58 persons verbalise that they like Honda Motorcycle due to supply consumption, and 42 persons say that they purchase Honda motorcycle because of all these qualities which mention are present in the motorcycle. So we can say mostly people purchase Honda motorcycle because of Fuel consumption. Q. 7 have you used any other brand of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 45 45% No 55 55% Total 100 100% Conclusion W hen we asked this question, 45 respondents verbalise that they used other brand of motorcycle while 55 persons told us that they never used any other brand of Motorcycle. Q.8 If yes then what is the reason of change? RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 40 88. 888% Spare part availability 0 0% Any other mention 5 11. 111% Total 45 100% Conclusion In response to this question 40 respondent state that they have change previous motorcycle with Honda motorcycle because petrol fair(a) per liter of previous motorcycle is very low as compared to Honda motorcycle and 5 respondent utter that any other mention like there machines are not easily available and etc. Q. 9 What is fair reportage of your Motorcycle per liter? RESPONSES %AGE 40-50 15 15% 51-60 60 60% 61-70 25 25% 71-80 0 0%.Total 100 100% Conclusion In the regard of this question, 15 person give tongue to that their bike cover 41-50 km per litter while 60 respondents said 51-60,and 25 respondent said 61-70. So I can say it is a mai n factor of Honda bike. Q. 10 Do the spare parts easily available? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion When I asked this question, response to this question is 100% in favor. The respondents said they have to never face any line because the spare parts of Honda Motorcycle are easily available. So it is also a main cause that Honda motorcycle has an edge on other Motorcycle. Q.11 Do you think that fuel consumption locomote your purchase decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 91 91% No 9 9% Total 100 100% Conclusion In the response of this question all respondent said that fuel consumption affect their purchasing decision. They said we can save our money. Because expense of this motorcycle is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 12 If Yes then how much? RESPONSES %AGE genuinely much 60 65. 94% High 20 21. 98% Low 0 0% public 11 12. 1% Total 91 100% Conclusion Out of 100 respondent 60 said that fuel consumption affect their decision very much while 20 said that i t is high affect on their decision.While 11 said that fuel consumption has normal affect on their decision. Q. 13 Do you think the footing of motorcycle affect your buying decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 56 56% No 44 44% Total 100 100% Conclusion In the response of this question, 56 respondent are those said that price affect their purchasing decision while other 44 respondent told that price does not affect their purchasing decision. Q. 14 If yes than up to what extent? RESPONSES %AGE High 32 57. 15% Normal 22 39. 29% Low 2 3. 58% Total 56 100% ConclusionOut of 56 respondents are those who said that price affect their purchasing decision, 32 personssaid price has high affect while 22 respondent said that price has normal affect and finally 2 respondent said that it has low affect on their buying decision. Q. 15 Do the mechanics easily available for the repair of Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion When we asked this question the entire respondent said that mechanics are easily available for the repair of Honda Motorcycle.So it is also a main factor that Honda Motorcycle captured the market and spread all over the country. Q. 16 What is the resale value of Honda motorcycle after four years?RESPONSES %AGE More then half price 70 70% Equal to half price 29 29% Less than half price 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion Honda Motorcycle is a cash deposit bike. You can cash it at any time. When we asked about the resale value all respondent said that they preferred Honda Motorcycle because it will be sold more than half price. well-nigh respondent said that they sold Honda motorcycle more than their original price. So it is an important factor of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 17 What is the performance of its shocks? RESPONSES %AGE truly good 25 25% equitable 55 55% Normal 20 20% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0%.Total 100 100% Conclusion In response to this question, 25 respondent said V. Good, 55 said Good and 20 people said the performance of shocks is normal. So we can say that the over all performance of shocks is good. Q. 18 What is the performance of its locomotive engine? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 25 25% Good 70 70% Normal 5 5% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion 25 respondents said that performance of engine is V. Good 70 respondent said good while 5 person said normal. So it is a main cause due to which Honda Motorcycle captured the market. Q. 19 How is its electric system (cdi) ?RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 14 14% Good 40 40% Normal 45 45% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% No (cdi system) 1 1% Total 100 100% Conclusion 14% respondent said V. Good, 40% said good and 45% respondent said Normal electric system and 1 respondent said that he has no cdi system I his motorcycle. So over all we can say that Honda electric system of Honda Motorcycle is good. Q. 20 How is the pick up of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Very Good 5 5% Good 20 20% Normal 75 75% Bad 0 0% Very Bad 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion 5% people said that pick up of Honda Motorcycle power sV. Good, 20% said good and 75%.respondent said its pickup is normal. From this result we conclude that Honda motorcycle is economical bike for the people. Q. 21 Is it a balanced bike? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 100 100% No 0 0% Total 100 100% Conclusion From 100 respondent all the respondent said that it is a Balanced Bike. So we can conclude that it is balanced bike. Q. 22 Have you seen any Advertise of Honda Motorcycle on TV or any other media like Newspaper, journal etc? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 80 805 No 20 205 Total 100 100% Conclusion Out of 100 respondents 80 says that they have seen the airment of Honda motorcycle and20 says that they havent seen it.So we can say that most of the people have seen the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. Q. 23 Whether the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle is Impressive? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 37. 5% No 50 62. 5% Total 80 100% Conclusion In the response of this question 37. 5% respondent said that advertisement of Honda CD 70 is impressive while 62. 5% said that it is negative. So, we can conclude that advertisement is not good of Honda motorcycle. Q. 24 Do you thing the advertisement affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 10 12. 5% No 70 87. 5% Total 80 100% ConclusionOut of 80 respondent 10 said that advertisement affect their purchasing decision while 70 said advertisement has no affect on their buying decision. Q. 25 Do you think the market value affect your purchasing decision? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 95 95% No 5 5% Total 100 100% Conclusion 95% respondent said that market value affect their purchasing decision while 5% said in No. Honda motorcycle is such motorcycle which we can sell it at any time. So it is a main cause Honda motor has an edge on other motorcycle. Q. 26 Are you satisfied with company after sales service? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 75 75% No 25 25% Total 100 100%.Conclusion In the regard of this question 75 respondents said that they are satisfied with after sales service while 25 res pondents said that they are not satisfied. Q. 27 Have you any suggestion about motor cycle to the company? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 30 30% No 70 70% Total 100 100% Conclusion 30 respondents give different suggestion they said that company make it heavy, Improve the equality make it innovative reduces the prices of spare parts etc. while 70 respondents give no suggestion. Q. 28 What is your education? RESPONSES %AGE Metric 10 10% F. A. 30 30% B. A. 40 40% Masters 20 20% Uneducated 0 0% Total 100 100%.Conclusion In our respondent 10 are Metric, 30 are F. A. 40 B. A. and 20 respondents are in masters. So we can say educated people mostly used it. Questionnaire For Dealers Q. 1 Why you preferred the enfranchisement of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES %AGE Incentive to dealers 0 0% Easily dealership available 0 0% Much sale 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion Out of 3 dealers, all of them preferred the dealership of Honda motorcycle because its sale is more than other motorcycle. Q. 2 How is the secur ity measure requirement for its dealership? RESPONSES %AGE High 1 33. 333% Low 0 0% Normal 2 66. 667% Total 3 100% Conclusion1 respondent said that its security requirement is high, while 2 respondent said that security requirement is normal. Q. 3 How much the incentive given to you? RESPONSES %AGE Very much 2 66. 667% Much 0 0% Normal 0 0% Less 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion 2 dealers said that for its dealership a very much security is required and while 1 say that less security is required for its dealership. Q. 5 Do you advise your family members, friends to purchase it? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion When we asked this question from dealers, the response is 100%.They said that which thingthey sale they must advertise for it. Q. 6 Why people purchase it? Because of RESPONSES %AGE Fuel consumption 2 66. 667% Spare parts availability 0 0% Four injection 0 0% All of above 1 33. 333% Total 3 100% Conclusion In response to this question, 2 dealers said that people purchase it due to fuel consumption, and 1 dealer said that people preferred it because all these qualities are in this motorcycle. It is a four stroke, spare parts easily available and also fuel consumption is less as compare to other motorcycle. Q. 7 Do you view as the bike before its sale? RESPONSES %AGE Yes 3 100% No 0 0% Total 3 100% ConclusionIn response to this question all dealers said that they check the bike before its sale. Q. 8 How much are your monthly Sale? RESPONSES %AGE 1-10 0 0% 11-20 0 0% 21-30 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion In reply to this question all the dealers said that their monthly average sale is between 21-30. Q. 9 How much profit you get on the sale of a bike? RESPONSES %AGE 1000-2000 0 0% 2001-3000 3 100% More than 3000 0 0% Total 3 100% Conclusion All the dealers said that there profit is between 2001-3000 from the sale of each motorbike. Q. 10 What is the behavior of its user about it? RESPONSES %AGE Good 0 0% Very Good 3 100%.Normal 0 0 % Total 3 100% Conclusion All the dealers said that the behavior of customers is very good towards Honda Motorcycle. Q. 11 What step you have taken for its promotion? RESPONSES %AGE Not taking steps for its promotion 0 0% Motivating the people suggestion to the company 3 100% Total 3 100% Conclusion We are taking too many steps. We are increasing sales promotion effort. We are also increasing the advertisement of Honda Motorcycle. We are also tried to motivate the people to purchase it. We held seminars with the help of company and also use P. R and tell the people its advantage. Conclusion Conclusion.After conducting the research we can say that Honda motorcycle is successful and popular in people because of the following reasons Spare Parts Availability The spare parts of Honda motorcycle is easily avilavble in the market. If some fault occurs and due to that fault customers has to replace a particular parts, Which is easily available in the market, so customer has to face no pro blem. It is a main factor due to which Honda motorcycle is too much popular. Resale Value The customers are strongly satisfied with the resale value of Honda motorcycle. The user can easily sale it more that half price at which he purchased.Some time the user of Honda Motorcycle sale it greater that price at which they purchased so it is a fact users agree with its resale value. Petrol Average The petrol average of Honda motorcycle is also very good. In the beginning its average is very good and more than 70 km per litter. After some time its average decrease but not too much. The minimum petrol average of Honda motorcycle is 50 according to our survey. It is a very good petrol average. dish out And Maintenance The mechanics are easily available for the repair of motorcycle and they also trained in their work. So consumers have toFace no problem of service and maintenance.After Sale Service The company gives free service after sale of motorcycle. Due to this customers are satisfied with its after sales services. crack up The pick up power of Honda Motorcycle is good. The pick up power of other motorcycle is very low as compare to Honda Motorcycle. 4Strokes This quality of Honda Motorcycle make this product different from others motorcycle. It is only 4 stroke motorcycle. Electric System The electric system of Honda Motorcycle is also to much affective. aim The management of Honda motorcycle changes the design of motorcycle at the time.Honda Company informd or replaced 113 models of motorcycle with in 18 months, other companies are not able to introduce new model so quickly. Due to this factor Honda motorcycle is popular. Others When we asked questions to the customers about the bike, most people said that it is a balanced bike. They showed satisfaction on the euphony performance, shocks reliability and speed. One more factor we felt during our survey is that mostly students and Govt. servant like Honda motorcycle and it is more popular in highly educated person the age group 20-25 years and income Rs3000 to 5000.
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