Friday, May 31, 2019
The Economy and SUVs Essay examples -- essays research papers
SUVs have become the center of a large controversy in the last couple of years. Many studies have been conducted on the relation to the economy and the popularity of the SUV. The sport utility vehicle not only affects the economy with its gas-guzzling capabilities during a cadence of war, but with the safety questions that have continued to arise.Automobiles have a large impact on the quality of our environment and public health. Automobile use affects nigh every aspect of environmental quality - including noise levels, air quality, water pollution, and urban sprawl. Ninety percent of the environmental impact of automobiles occurs through the operation of the cars about(predicate) 10 percent from the production, raw materials and disposal of automobiles. Federal law permits Sport Utility Vehicles to waste 33 percent more gasoline than passenger cars. SUVs quite a little spew 30 percent more carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and 75 percent more nitrogen oxides than passenger cars. Since 1990, the inefficiency of light trucks (including SUVs) have led to Americans wasting an spare 70 billion gallons of gasoline. SUVs burn more gas and spew out more pollution. Many of the big SUVs pollute three clock as much as cars, which greatly contributes to climate change and smog. But for many of us, it is difficult to connect our actions at the gas pump with the temperature outside or with the quality o...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Emancipation :: essays research papers
Emancipation has been defined as the pursuit, expansion, and security of freedom. I believe that most people including myself would say successful liberty has taken place when freedom has been pursued, expanded upon, and secured. What makes peoples views of license different is not its definition, but what is freedom? Freedom shows a lot of faces throughout the times and environments analyze in both the Haitian and Jamaican Revolutions. Freedom for myself is a peace of mentality. I feel that a person who wakes up with a peace of mind has experienced successful emancipation. Successful emancipation does not mean that everything is perfect and the way it should be. Perfection does not exist in this world everything has its flaws and downfalls including emancipation, justice, and freedom. I trust we all work towards the day we invite established who we are and find comfort with our role in society. I also feel it is hard for us to be as thoughtful and passionate about emancipation as the slaves of these times were. Our minds cant conceive the true feeling of what is like to be treated like something other than a human being. I feel our lifestyles are far beyond a slaves view of what emancipation is.Slaves in both Haiti and Jamaica did not rebel in order to live a lifestyle we live today. They were willing to settle for far less than we have today. Slaves were willing to die in order to experience what they felt was successful emancipation. Successful emancipation for slaves was not be confounded to land or have by whites. Slaves simply wanted the opportunity to work their own land, bring families, and enjoy life. Although most people in Haiti and Jamaica of African descent were slaves, there was a small minority of free people, which consisted of mulattos and free blacks. Even though these free people witnessed first hand the experienced of slavery the compassion and empathy for it was definitely disappointing. Their spirit of emancipation was totally diff erent than that of slaves. The free people already experienced and had what slaves desired and viewed as emancipation. Free people had their own land to farm, build houses on, and start families. Thus giving them a totally different perspective on emancipation and freedom. Despite free people had their own land, they still were not constraining to sharing the same rights as the whites.
Dolores Huerta :: essays research papers
1.     Dolores Huerta was a member of Community Service Organization (CSO), a grass roots organization. The CSO confronted segregation and police brutality, led voter enrolment drives, pushed for improved public services and fought to enact new legislation. Dolores Huerta wanted to form an organization that fought of the interests of the farm workers. While continuing to work at CSO Dolores Huerta founded and organized the rural Workers Association in 1960. Dolores Huerta was key in organizing citizenship requirements removed from pension, and public assistance programs. She also was instrumental in passage of legislation allowing voters the right to vote in Spanish, and the right of individuals to take the drivers license examination in their native language. Dolores Huerta moved on to working with Cesar Chavez. Dolores was the main person at field of study Farm Workers Association (NFWA) who negotiated with employers and organized boycotts, strikes, demonstr ations and marches for the farm workers.2.     Possibly when Dolores Huerta first started working and really was unknown. Employers were not intimidated by her. Dolores would hear sexist comments and would overlook them. Dolores soon proves to anyone who doubted her why she was the negotiator and why she was important to the United Farm Workers union. Once she was heard people started to respect Dolores. Soon enough Dolores Huerta was given the byname Dragon lady, because she was a fierce negotiator and organizing the rights of farm workers.3.     Dolores Huerta was the main negotiator during the Delano grape strike. In 1965 Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez were approached by Filipino members of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee ("AWOC"). AWOC wanted higher(prenominal) wages from the Delano are grape growers. AWOC wanted to negotiate new contracts with their employers but they needed the help of Huerta and Chavez. The NFWA was still new and growing although Huerta thought that NFWA was not stool to attack corporate America she could not refuse to help AWOC. The two unions formed into one union called United Farm Workers union. Under this the union Dolores began the involution with the Delano grape growers. Dolores organized over 5,000 workers to walk off their job and to strike until they could reach an agreement with their employers.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
TS Eliot paper -- essays research papers
Where is the Life we have wooly in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? T.S. Eliot(T.S. Eliot Quotes.) TS Eliot was not only a poet, but a poet that wanted to change his world. He was writing in the hopes that it would give his society a reality check that would encourage them to change themselves and make their lives more worthwhile. Through his themes of alienation, isolation, and giving an example of a decaying society, TS Eliot wanted to change his society.Alienation is a earthy theme that consistently runs throughout TS Eliots poetry. Eliot knew how alienation felt first hand through his experience of being born in Missouri and afterward moving to Boston to go to college. He described himself as feeling like a New Englander in the Southwest, and a South westerner in New England (Bush, TS Eliots Life and Career). Knowing this feeling made it easy for him to write many poems concerning this idea such as Rhap sody on a visionary Night. Half-past two, The street lamp said, "Remark the cat which flattens itself in the gutter, Slips out its tongue And devours a morsel of rancid butter." So the hand of a child, automatic, Slipped out and pocketed a move that was running along the quay. I could see nothing behind that childs eye. (Poetry Archive) This poem doesnt deal with alienation where a person is all alone and in that location is absolutely no one around. In fact, there are people present but they ...
Colonial Rule of the Dominican Republic Essay -- History Historical Do
In The BeginningThe first instance of colonialism forced upon the inhabitants of the Dominican nation was the stripping by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492. Ernesto Sagas and Orlando Inoa presented the interaction in their book The Dominican People A Documentary History. The confrontation among these two diametrically impertinent cultures proved to be far from equal the Amerindians Stone Age culture was no match for European military technology. The initial encounter took place on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, part of which is now the Dominican Republic (Inoa pg. 1). This was the first step in a trek through five and a half centuries of Dominican Republic history, and unfortunately much of it was filled with the horror of colonialism. In fact, the Dominican Republic became the hub for the colonization of the Americas, and acted as the stepping-stone for European colonizers into a vast, never before put-upon goldmine for both natural and human resources. As Saga s and Inoa discuss, the island of Hispaniola, became the center of the Spanish colonial enterprise in the unfermented World. It was in Hispaniola where the first major contacts between Europeans and Amerindians took place, where the first exploitative economic activities in the New World were developed, where Europeans first established permanent settlements and colonial institutions, and where the stage was set for the colonization of the rest of the New World (Inoa pg. 1.). Thus the groundwork was established for colonialism not only for the Dominican Republic, but for the entire hemisphere. According to Sagas and Inoa, colonization was inevitable because interaction with Europeans was predictable. They wrote, if Christopher Columbus had... ...l developments victorious place in the Eurasian land mass. The encounter was far from equal (Inoa pg. 1). It began as an unequal interaction, and has remained to this day a relationship of aggressor versus defender.BibliographyThe C enter for strategical Studies. Dominican Action1965 Intervention or Cooperation?. Washington, D.C. The Center for Strategic Studies, 1966.Chester, Eric Thomas. The U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-66 Rag-Tags, Scum, Riff-Raff, and Commies. New York Monthly Review Press, 2001Inoa, Orlando, and Sagas, Ernesto. The Dominican People A Documentary History. Princeton Markus Wiener Publishers, 2003.Lundahl, Mats, and Lundius, Jan. Peasants and Religion A socioeconomic study of Dios Olivorio and the Palma Sola Movement in the Dominican Republic. New York Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2000.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Sweatshop Labor: Wearing Thin Essay example -- essays research papers
For most people in the United States, the term slave to fashion relates to an various(prenominal)s desire always to be wearing the latest fashions from trendy clothing draw offs. Ina twist of supreme irony, the designation applies much more than literally to the legions ofpoverty-stricken sweatshop laborers worldwide who toil away to a lower place miserable conditionsto produce the snappy app atomic number 18l that Americans purchase in droves on a day by day basis.Conditioned by a media that places considerable emphasis on possessing a stylishwardrobe, the majority of U.S. consumers are far too awash in their take in culture -- onethat is nonorious for the value it places on material wealth -- to be sensitive to the plightof these indigent foreigners. And although the US medias fleeting testing of sweatshopconditions five years ago did groom the issue a greater part of the national consciousnessthan ever before, not enough people changed their acquire habits as a result -- or at leastnot enough to blade a dent in the all-important bottom line of guilty corporations. Indeed,major American retailers of clothing and other apparel products father not changed thisdespotic element of their business practices in the least despite the proscribe publicity infact, they continue to exploit laborers in foreign, mostly Third-World countries to analarming degree. The scope of the problem is such that hundreds of residents in a town as subatomic andisolated as Santa Cruz have at some point been employed in sweatshops in impoverishednations. Santa Cruz resident Lorenzo Hernandez endured years of mistreatment at aDoall Enterprises manufacturing plant in El Salvador before immigrating with his wife and two sons toSanta Cruz in September, 2000. He now works full-time as a cook at Tony and AlbasPizza in Scotts Valley, and while he scarcely earns above minimum wage in his currentposition, it represents a substantial improvement to the abject conditions under which he labored for so many years in his home country. They treated us very badly (in ElSalvador), Hernandez said. I earned not enough to live on. My family could only buytwo shirts and pants (per person), and we were always hungry. I worked 14, 16 hours aday but still did not make enough. Hernandez speaks and moves with the languor of a man... ...ation or escape in religion. Fittingly, while more affluent people in the United States disregard the reality ofsweatshop labor because they are preoccupied with trying to sport cutting-edge fashions,the people of Ciudad Juarez seek to disguise their realities because they are so painful. Faced with such unsettling tales of human suffering, Saganovich remains resoluteWal-Mart is manifestly looking out for its best interests, and this alleged mistreatment offoreign laborers isnt anywhere near as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Thepeople who are speaking out so strongly against us are little more than a type ofpropagandists with their ow n agendas. secret code forces anyone to work anywhere, and alot of them are coming to America and making better lives for themselves.Hernandez is one of a relatively small number of lucky immigrants who haverealized a greater level of wealth and comfort in the States, but he will never forget theanguish his previous jobs brought him and his compatriots. Its great, I can affordclothes and food here now, he said. But I try to buy from stores (that) dont havesweatshops.
Monday, May 27, 2019
An Essay on the Presidential Candidates of 2000
When examining the panoramas for the 2000 Presidential eliteion, it becomes very clear that the only logical choice for President is Al jury. Gore has many a(prenominal) plans for his presidency that will greatly meliorate the way our country works and runs. First of all, Gore wishes to reform the way in which elections atomic number 18 run, and attempt to sever the omnipresent link between money and political act upon, thus providing more fair elections.Another plan of Gores is to pot aside 400 zillion dollars especially for Medi assistance, and to make sure the money is not use for other purposes, at that placeby improving the survives of both the elderly and the little fortunate. In order to better the lives of all citizens and provide for more safety, Gore also wishes to close the so-called gun show loophole that allows consumers to bypass the Brady Bill. Lastly, to better dress the children of today for the world of tomorrow, Gore intends to reform education by prov iding preschool for all children, and making college tuition tax deductible.The first of Al Gores many limitings he has in store for our country could possibly be the most important one. Gore seeks to change the very way we decide on and elect our officials who run the country, and he intends to do so in a way that ensures a more fair and equal election. What is the key to this electoral equilibrium? Money. For a long time people and political analysts have noticed a certain trend coinciding with a views political influence and how much money he has at his disposal.Traditionally, the dismissdidates with more money get more exposure to the public, get more high influence individuals and agencies backing them up, and because end up with more votes than those candidates with less cash. Severing this link between politics and money would be a wonderful change for our country. One of the of import ways in which Gore intends to increase equality among presidential candidates is to ba n soft money. Soft money is money contributed to a candidate by companies or individuals in order to boost their campaign.In place of this money, Gore intends to establish a tax-free frameation to fund campaigns, thereby supplying each candidate with the same amount of money to campaign with as he/she pleases. This fund will accept tax-deductible donations from companies and individuals, and then give each candidate their equal share. It is estimated that this foundation, called the majority rule Endowment, will raise 7. 1 one thousand million dollars within a seven year period, while only suffering a loss of 2. 1 billion in taxes. This equal-endowment plan will even the playing field for the candidates, and give each an equal opportunity to campaign.In addition to equal campaign funding, Gore supports the idea of allowing each candidate an equal amount of free air time on television to campaign with. This, too, will give each candidate an equal chance to be heard, independent of how much money he/she has. These proposals, among his others, will help to sever the link between money and political influence, change the way elections are run, and provide for more fair elections. Another major problem that plagues millions of Americans today is the issue if Medicare.Medicare is the government health insurance program for the elderly, and provides care for about 40 million seniors annually. In recent years, much attention has been called to this program regarding its coverage. The general sense is that Medicare is not adequately insuring its seniors. One cause of this compensate in coverage is the money allotted to Medicare. Many times, when other projects hook on to run over their budget, the politicians dip into the cookie jar, and take small amounts here and there from the Medicare stash, leaving our seniors with less than adequate medical coverage.Gore wants this to stop. His plan that he wishes to implement sets aside 400 billion dollars strictly for Medi care, and ensures that this money cannot be used for other purposes. This will mean guaranteed improvement of the medical treatments and attention those covered will receive. In addition to the 400 billion dollars, Gore has plans for a 253 billion dollar, 10 year program to add a prescription drug benefit to further aid Medicare users. These programs will definitely improve the living conditions of what is profligate becoming the largest percent of the American population.Gore does not stop at improving living conditions for the elderly. He recognizes many ways of raising the quality of sustenance for all US citizens, one of them being in the area of safety. In an effort to make our country a safer place to live, Gore intends to close the so called gun show loophole that essentially allows consumers to buy assorted weapons and handguns without waiting periods or background checks, completely bypassing the Brady Bill.A report released by the Justice Department found that felons ill egally bought weapons at gun shows in 46 percent of the 314 cases it studied, and the weapons used in the 1999 shooting at Columbine High School in conscientious objector were purchased at a gun show in Denver. Closing this loophole would mean fewer weapons in the hands of people who shouldnt have them, and therefore safer places to live everywhere. It would be foolish not to enact this change, therefore making it foolish not to vote for Gore. The last key issue on which Gore has many great ideas has more impact on the in store(predicate) than any of his other plans.This issue deals with education. Over the last 20 years, spending on education has rise 62 percent, yet we have experienced a 7 percent decline in enrollment. Studies have shown that giving children a good educational start in the beginning is an excellent way to aid their future in the education department. That is precisely why Gore wants to provide preschool to all children. Giving them a solid start in their earlie st years instills the basic principles of behavior and learning skills necessary to be successful in the education system.But, of course, learning skills can only get you so far once you reach the college level. All too often, bright young students do not get to attend college payable to a lack of sufficient funds. This is a contributing factor to the difficulty of breaking the chain of poverty. Gore recognizes this, and plans to make college tuition tax deductible. This will let out the blow of tuition check on the lower class families, and allow a greater variety of students from all sorts of backgrounds to further enrich their minds.By doing this, the future of our country will brighten tremendously, as we will have a multitude of new, brilliant minds at work everyday. Education truly is an investment in the future, and Gore knows how to ensure profitable returns. By examining these key points in Gores plans for the country, It is obvious that he has the welfare of all citizens on his mind, and that his plans would effectively improve the way our country runs. With that in mind, Gore seems to be the only logical choice for President of the United States.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Gender in ââ¬ËThe Importance of Being Earnestââ¬â¢ Essay
Dramatic comedy originated in Ancient Greece in fifth century BC, centred around loose bandage lines and exploiting certain situations through parody, farce and mockery. Comedy started developing in 4th Century BC where intricate plot lines were introduced, comm and based around love and ro compositi erstwhile and usually culminating in a satisfactory and happy resolution. This is much like the structure of The Importance of beingness Earnest as the play revolves around the growing relationships of both darn and Gwendolen and Algernon and Cecily. Oscar Wilde has ralwayssed the roles of gender in this play, the females are those who take the lead and are seen as the most dominant characters throughout a very bizarre layout in a time period where men were seen as the head of the family and the most assertive fingers breadth. Lady Bracknell is the most domineering character throughout the play, and this a result of the eloquent and rather unnatural language she uses. She takes on t he role of her husband in Act 1 when dirt asks for Gwendolens hand in marriage- I feel obliged to tell you that you are non down on my discover of eligible young men this was often the fathers role.Throughout the conversation it is kind of apparent that Lady Bracknell mark offs all the power, and Wilde does this through all the questions she asks. Additionally, her speculative seems rather irrelevant and ridiculous at times, she asks Do you smoke? to which Jack admits he does and Lady Bracknell replies I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation of some kind. Here the addictive habit that Jack has taken up is being compared to a profession and is creating modality due to the nature of the question and how much apparent importance it holds. It seems as though Wilde is using Lady Bracknell to mock those in authority 1 by presenting her as a character with no real agenda to her long and painful questioning otherwise than to talk. In Act 3, Lady Bracknell makes another appearance, which only highlights her hulk force in the play.She has come to Jacks house in the country to retrieve Gwendolen and take her home and makes it quite clear that her husband does not know where Gwendolen very is Her unhappy father is, I am glad to say, under the impression that she is attending a more than lengthy lecture by the University Extension Scheme on the influence of apermanent income on Thought. I do not propose to undeceive him. This would have been seen as quite unusual at a time where wives wouldnt have gone behind their husbands backs, thus reinforcing Lady Bracknells authoritative conduct and leaving the audience amused.Furthermore, Wildes portrayals of both Gwendolen and Cecily run parallel to one another. They mirror each other and are the assertive half of their relationships with Jack and Algernon. This is start shown between Jack and Gwendolen when Jack proposes. Jack announces his love for Gwendolen and she in turn, offers it back. Jack and so says ..I mean we must get married at once. There is no time to be lost. To which Gwendolen replies But you havent proposed to me yet. Nothing has been said at all near marriage. Gwendolen is taking control of the situation and is expressing what she desires for Jack to then grant her, her wishes. This is the same scene where Jack lies about his name once again to Gwendolen. Selfishness and servility are the moral alternatives presented Katherine Worth. Gwendolen admits she could never love anyone with the name Jack for there is very little music in the name Jack. This, to the audience seems rather pompous and shallow and is why it is humorous. And after all that Gwendolen has said, Jack does indeed go along with this though, and continues to call himself Ernest.In the scene where Cecily and Algernon first meet, Algernon also lies about his true identity he introduces himself as Jacks brother, Ernest. Whilst Cecily and Algernon are talking in the garden, Jack arrives home. He confides in Miss Prism and Chasuble that his younger brother Ernest died in Paris of a severe chill. At this moment in time, the audience are taking great pleasure at the fact that they know something the characters do not that Jacks so called brother is in the garden. Afterwards, Cecily confesses to Algernon that they have been engaged for the past three months, and Algernon submissively accepts this to be both true and normal. This is the first indication of who the most assertive figure is in their relationship. The fact that Cecily writes to herself, on the behalf of Ernest is rather ridiculous, and once again Algernon goes through with this.She continues on to tell him when their engagement was broken off, shesays It would hardly have been a really serious engagement if it hadnt have been broken off at least once. But I forgave you before the week was out she talks about how their engagement wouldnt have been serious, although it had never even happened and this displays m arriage to be not all that serious in itself. In reply to this, Algernon thank her for forgiving him for something he did not do, What a perfect angel you are Cecily. This only highlights that he is inferior to her.When Cecily and Gwendolen meet each other at jacks house in the country, a lot of confusion is caused for they both think they are engaged to the same man. But before they stumble across this realisation, they perish friends instantly Gwendolen says ..Something tells me that we are going to be great friends to which Cecily replies How nice have you to like me so much after we have known each other such a comparatively short amount of time. The girls then find out they are in competition with one another and their friendship turns sour. This is unusual due to the fact that just a few seconds ago they were very friendly and lovely to one another.When both Jack and Algernon approach and the matter is cleared up that neither one of them is Ernest and that they have been lying to the women, Cecily and Gwendolens relationship takes a u-turn, not back to friendship, but to sisterhood. This was foreshadowed in Act 1 where Algernon says Women only call themselves sister when they have called each other a lot of other things first. Cecily and Gwendolen storm off into the house and Algernon and Jack cowardly hold back, where Algy begins to scoff the muffins and they start to blame one another for what just happened and it takes them a while before they approach the women in the house. However when they do it also doesnt take long for both women to forgive them, they contradict themselves frequently in the process Gwendolen But we will not speak firstCecily Certainly notGwendolen Mr Worthing, I have something very particular to ask you. Much depends on your reply. The irony of the situation is what is so amusing, the women cannot stay silent and wait for the men to speak, once again they have to be in control of the situation. However, the play began i n turmoil but (ended) in harmony 2 as both couples were happily reunited. all(prenominal) throughout the play, women like to think they are the leaders and the superior, and on the surface they do appear to be, with their high demands being answered and always leading the conversations in which ever way they wish but at the end of the day, they always forgive or accept only what a man can offer, even if they demanded more.Bibliography1 Barbara Bleiman, Anna Sarchet and Lucy Webster perusal comedy (2012) 2 Susan Snyder The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare (2001)
Friday, May 24, 2019
Limitations of the study Essay
The study focuses on the lives of the African American Slaves that are symbolized by the strivers in the 1987 literary masterpiece pricey by African American author Toni Morrison. In terms of qualitative research, the first scope and delimitation is the use of secondary materials for the qualitative essay. The Second scope is the use of survey questions on persons who have read the Beloved novel. in that respect were twenty persons interviewed for the quantitative part of this research. In terms of quantitative research, this study covered the effect of conveyhood on the Feminism in Beloved.The two data, Motherhood and Feminism, will be treated using the Compare and Contrast qualitative research method. Overview of research Statement of the paradox This study is aimed to determine the effect of Slavery on Motherhood and Feminism in the Beloved novel. Specifically this study seeks to answer the following problems Qualitative investigate 1. Compare Motherhood and Feminism in Belov ed. 2. Contrast Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved. Quantitative Research 1. What is the profile of the respondents as to 1. 1 fester 1. 2 sexual urge1. 3 Highest Educational Attainment 2. Is there a crucial deflexion among the respondents inclination if the Beloved novel is real or allegory when sorted match to 2. 1 Age 2. 2 sexuality 2. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 3. Is there a significant difference between the respondents determination if break ones back life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped correspond to 3. 1 Age, 3. 2 Gender 3. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 4. Is there a significant difference between the respondents determination on howSethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped According to 4. 1 Age 4. 2 Gender 4. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 5. In there a significant difference between the respondents determination on the realism of Mother violate Snuggs Freedom when grouped according to 5. 1 Age, 5. 2 Gend er 5. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 6. In there a significant difference between the respondents determination on the reality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to 6. 1 Age 6. 2 Gender 6. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. 7.Is there a significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers to own their children when grouped according to 7. 1 Age 7. 2 Gender 7. 3 Highest Educational Attainment. opening 1. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination if the Beloved novel is real or fiction when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 2. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination if slave life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and HighestEducational Attainment. 3. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination on how Sethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 4. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination on the reality of Mother Baby Snuggs Freedom when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 5. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination on thereality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. 6. There is no significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers to own their children when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. FINDINGS and CONCLUSIONS The present inquiry revealed the following 1. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination if the Beloved novel is real or fiction when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment.Hypothesis is accepted. 2. There is no significant difference between the resp ondents determination if slave life is harsh in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 3. There is no significant difference between the respondents determination on how Sethe felt about her motherly suffering in the Beloved novel when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 4.There is no significant difference between the respondents determination on the reality of Mother Baby Snuggs Freedom when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is accepted. 5. There is a significant difference between the respondents determination on the reality of the right of women slaves to love when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment. Hypothesis is rejected. 6. There is no significant difference between the respondents in terms of the right of slave mothers right to own children when grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment.Hypothesis is accepted. 7. There are more respondents belonging to the 15- 25 age level. 8. There are more respondents belonging to the Female Gender. 9. There are more respondents belonging to the High School Highest Educational Attainment level.RECOMMENDATIONS The researcher recommends that further research be done on the following areas 1. loading of Beloveds literary overtures to the lives of current African Americans. 2. Effect of Morrisons literary works on current African American lives.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Calculate the Window of Vulnerability Essay
To resolve the issue of the window of vulnerability (WoV), we would need to get the red cent from Microsoft. According to Microsoft, it lead take up to 3 days for the patch to be available. Then, we would need additional time to download and test the patch to make sure that this is what is needed to fix the security breach on the SMB server. later doing the testing, the IT department would need time to install the patch onto the servers and deploy to the client computers.This will take 2 days to do, depending on the IT module, if they work on weekends will determine the completion date. Meaning, if they will work on the weekend, then the deployment to all computers and servers will be done by that Sunday. If not, then it will be the spare-time activity Tuesday. So, the time that is needed would be a week. To recap, the security breach was reported on a Friday. On Monday, looked on Microsofts website to see when the patch would be released, and it indicated that it would take 3 days for it to be available.Counting Monday, 3 days would be, Wednesday. Depending on the time that the patch is released on Wednesday, would need an additional 2 days to download and test the patch before deploying, if early Wednesday, then Thursday to test. But if it comes late Wednesday, then it would take Thursday and Friday to test. Then that would leave the weekend, if the IT staff would work on the weekend. But if not, then it is going to restart on Monday and complete on Tuesday.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Research project would â⬠Library System Essay
First and foremost I offer my sincerest gratitude to our professor Mr. Marlon M. Sumait who has supported me throughout my thesis with his patience and knowledge.In my daily work I have been blessed with a friendly and cheerful classmate and friends who helped me in the field of data collection and programming my system. Special thanks to my cousin Richard S. Pasuquin (Web developer at IT Easy software Solution at Quezon City Philippines) for the providence in my thesis in the field of codes and some encodings made.INTRODUCTIONSchools set the various pedagogic changes to achieve the current level of education in other countries. Because of the growing numbers of computer users, this became an effective medium to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the students. From the traditional intrusive process for the books in the libraries, the interactive usage of computers can be now addressed as part of the library system. Background and Problem StatementIn the aim of the universities to supply the necessary materials to their students, the idea of library management system is introduces. This involves the utilization for processing, accessing and retrieving the information that can effectively support the process of students learning, decision- making and scholastically approaches. Because of the organized approach and systematic management of the information, the accessibility and retrieval in the library can be easy.TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER title of respect PAGETitle Page iAcknowledgement iiTable of Contents iiiScope And Delimitation ivI. Introduction 11.1 germane(predicate) Findings 21.2 Statement of the Problem 3Objective (Significance of Study)1.3 Methodology 4II. Structure of Thesis1.4 Data Flow Diagram 51.5 Case Study(Library formation Codings)- 61.5.0 LOG IN FORM CODINGS 71.5.1 MAIN FORM CODINGS 8-91.5.2 BOOK LIST 10-111.5.3 ADDING BOOKS 12-131.5.4 CHOOSE STUDENT 14-151.5.5 BORROWING BOOKS 16-191.5.6 EDIT BOOKS 20-211.5.7 RETURNED BOO KS 22-231.5.7 ADDING USERS 22-23
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
It result describe Wal-Mart as a non-union employer, patch uping lower betroths to heir employees than otherwise retail and grocery gunstocks. They do non offer benefits to either employees and most are unable to hand them. Between Wal-Marts business practices in increasing their profits and the emergency to recognize their social and ethical responsibilities, Wal-Mart needs to find a comfortable balance of profitability and responsibility in order to improve their character. During the process of physical composition this report, we found that on that point was much more Information to be discussed ab by Wal-Marts unethical business practice than what was reported.We in homogeneous manner wanted to point out that although all companies do ein truththing ossible to lower their costs and maintain lofty production rates, Wal-Mart has crossed the line over the years by managing their profits In unethical ways compared to otner large corporatlons wno nave Deen etnlcall y ana successTully managlng tnelr business practices. Information that can be found on Wal-Mart is changing everyday and it was sometimes tricky to keep up. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wal-Mart has been accepted as the leader in its industry and the largest company in the nation.With its powerful profit making abilities, Wal-Mart has grown from a local corner store to the funds making monster it is today. The company has amaged its reputation over the years due to unethical choices made by its top executives. As a result, its anti-union stance has been singled out on issues concerning benefits, wages, and overall business practices. When reviewing Wal- Marts financial statework forcets, one would be overwhelmed to see such exalted performances merely when you are a Wal-Mart employee, it is no surprise why that is true.Employees obtain been denied opportunities of forwarding and pay raises. Lawsuits have been pending against the company with employees claiming they have been denied prom otion opportunities in the company due to their gender, and some mployees have sued for beingness over-worked and below paid. Wal-Mart has pose so big in its industry, that it has lowered the wages through out the country and has influenced economic change. Since most of Wal-Marts employees live below the leanness line, it is difficult for them to afford wellness damages when deductions out of their paychecks are sometimes as high as 33%.A Wal-Mart employee who obtains health indemnity would have a very difficult time raising a family with this kind of premium. Wal-Mart employees are unable to receive healthcare benefits because the cost is too high and their wages are low. As a result, employees face a difficult time deciding whether to sacrifice such a large portion of their pay to obtain health indemnity in most cases Wal-Mart employees persist without health coverage. Deductions for health insurance are higher for Wal-Mart employees than other national retail employe es.A Wal-Mart employee pays about 25% more for health insurance than the ordinary retail worker. Wal-Mart has also been opposed by its womanly employees, who make up two- thirds of its work jampack. Women have been discriminated in wage and have been denied any advancement to upper managerial positions predominate my men. Men ake approximately more than women and have a higher chance of advancing to a better position. Dukes vs. Wal-Mart, filed in 2001, was the largest drive against a private employer in the nation and represented 1. million feminine employees who were discriminated based on their sex. From lawsults to employee complalnts, Wal-Mart nas Deen Tacea wltn a p to each oney deal 0T difficulties that have developed through their own unethical business practices. Although every companys goal is to lower costs and produce large numbers, Wal- Mart has made sky-rocketing profits by unethically bother its employees and cutting down their wages. Many question why Wal-Mar t, the richest retail merchant in the world, chooses not to provide adequate wages or health benefits for its employees.If Wal-Mart were to reform its health benefits program, raise their product prices by as little as a penny, and create a bias free working environment for women, Wal- Mart would be in better terms with its employees and improve the reputation it sacrificed from the start. NOT ON WAL-MART WAGES INTRODUCTION Background Wal-Mart, the large international discount chain was founded by Sam Walton. On May 5, 1950, Walton purchased a store in Bentonville, Arkansas, and opened Waltons & 10.Little did the small town residents know that they would later become the headquarters for the worlds largest retailer store in the U. S. Through his sa. n. y, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. As Wal-Mart grew into a global corporation it is today, it has dealt with a great deal of criticism by outsiders. Wal-Marts ethical citizenship has been questioned numerous times and researched by many. There have been many doubts about Wal- Marts business integrity and questions whether their practices are ethical or not.Wal-Mart has faced, and is still facing, a significant amount of controversy over several different issues. Wal-Mart has been caught bribing its employees, discriminating against women, denying its employees of training or promotions, paying low wages, and providing high deductibles for health insurance. Wal-Mart is now paying the consequences and need to become socially responsible in order to maintain a better reputation with society. Although consumers are reeled in with the low prices Wal-Mart has to offer, others feel their ethical beliefs are more important than prudence a quick buck.Purpose Statement of The purpose of this report is to examine Wal-Marts unethical business practices with a focus on employee wages and high health care deductibles. The report will question Wal-Mar ts aptitude to sell products cheaper than any of its leading competitors and up to now maintain making a substantial amount of profit. The report will analyze the unethical practices that have developed through Wal-Marts history as a result of focusing on high productivity and profit making strategies. cope The report will describe Wal-Marts unethical business practices that affect its employees. It will examine Wal-Marts unethical behavior in conducting business with n overall focus on employee wages. Limitations Time constraints have hold in the extent of the research. There is a vast amount of information regarding this issue and we are unable to report it all. In addition, no funds are available to conduct primary research. Methods of inquiry The method of research for this paper was secondary research through databases, internet websites, and books.The research databases of California State University, Los Angeles, will be used to locate articles in current and past publicat ion. The databases used are Lexis/Nexis and Business Source Premiere. Also libraries, uch as the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library at California State University, Los Angeles and Los Angeles cosmos Library in Porter Ranch, California. The major findings of this study indicate that Wal-Mart being the worlds largest and richest retail chain is setting the standard on wages for retail workers and beyond.Because Wal-Mart has become so big, it has dragged down wages throughout the country. Wal-Mart has become what it is today by selling products at low prices and paying their associates even lower wages. Unhappy Wal-Mart workers kvetch as much about being over-worked as underpaid. Wal-Mart has its own stated policies at its employees expense. Wal-Mart pays its associates below basic living wage standards and even below poverty lines. Overworked and Underpaid Employees H. Lee Scott Jr. is the chief executive of the powerful corporation we call Wal-Mart.According to Mr. Scott, by selling vast quantities of goods at its trademark Every Day starting time Prices, Wal-Mart has single-handedly raised Americas standard of living, saving consumers about $100 billion a year (Bianco 2). They feel that selling vast quantities of low price swap gives them the right to act as if they represent the American people. Scott states, Wal-Mart also provides good Jobs for hundreds of thousands of equally deserving employees, offers even part-time workers generous health insurance and other benefits (Bianco 2).He accuses greedy labor unions, inefficient supermarket chains, and other Wal-Mart opponents of distorting the facts to suit their own purposes. Wal-Mart insists on describing themselves as pro-associate, not anti-union, but is quick to suppress any and all attempts to have unions organize in its stores. In his book The Bully of Bentonville, Anthony Bianco describes how Wal-Mart has ffected wages beyond their own company Because Wal-Mart Is so Dig, It nas araggea clown wages tnr ougnout the country.Economists at the University of California at Berkeley found that Wal-Marts expansion during the 1990s cut the income of Americas retail employees by 1. 3 percent-or by $4. 7 billion in 2000 alone. What is more, the depressing effect of Wal-Marts expansion on payrolls extended well beyond retailing. According to a 2005 analysis by economists at the Public Policy Institute of California, take-home pay per person drip by 5 percent across the board following Wal-Marts entry into a country.The evidence strongly suggest(s) that Wal-Mart stores lead to wage declines, shifts to lower-paying Jobs (or less skilled workers), or increased use of part-time workers. (4) Today, Wal-Mart is surrounded by controversy, but the greatest is from within. Unhappy employees are quitting and dozens of class-action lawsuits are pending against the company. Managers have been known to force employees to work extra hours without pay either by eliminating breaks or by having them clock ou t and keep working off the clock. This is Wal-Marts way of saving on costs at the price of its employees.Store managers earn bonuses based on earnings. Since the corporation dictates the inventory and operating expenses, managers only control is labor costs. Joyce Moody, a causality manager in Alabama and Mississippi, told the New York Times that Wal-Mart threatened to write up managers if they didnt bring the payroll in low enough. Depositions in wage and hour lawsuits reveal that company headquarters leaned on management to keep their labor costs at 8 percent of sales or less, and managers in turn leaned on assistant managers to work their employees off-the-clock or simply delete time from employee time sheet (ufcw. g). In the late 1990s Wal-Marts annual perturbation rate was a remarkably high 70 percent, 40 percent higher than in previous years (Slater 120). Wal-Mart does not see this as being a problem. The constant turnover reduces employees eligible for raises, promotions, b enefits, and holds the average wage down. Just another way to keep payroll costs at a minimum. Employee recompense Wal-Mart employs 1. 3 million workers in Just the U. S. and operates more than 3,400 stores throughout the United States. A full time employee working 28- 40 hours a week at Wal-Mart is paid on an average of $250 a week.Besides having low wages, those workers who are interested or eligible in obtaining health insurance for themselves or for their family pay high premiums and frequently dont get the coverage they expect. The majority of Wal-Mart employees live below the poverty line and after making deductions in taxes and insurance coverage, a Wal-Mart employees salary is not enough to provide them a standard way of living. The 2003 poverty guideline for a family of four is $18,400, $4,256 more than the $14,144 in earnings a full-time Wal-Mart worker earns at $8 per hourA household of four with a gross ncome of $23,920 or less could be eligible for food stamps -$9,776 more than a full- time, $8-an-hour Wal-Mart worker would earn in a year. (www. aflcio. org) These numDers are even worst Tor part time workers. I oaay, one -tnlra 0T Wal-Marts employees are part-time workers. They are limited to less than 34 hours of work per week and are not eligible for benefits and must wait 1 year before they can enroll. Sex divergence in the Work Place In addition to Wal-Marts low wages, its distaff workers are more disadvantaged and discriminated against in wage than its male workers.More than two thirds of Wal- Marts hourly employees are women and make up most of the lower wage positions which include working the cash registers, stocking shelves and working the sales floor. Although men take responsibilities in these positions as well, the majority of men who work at Wal-Mart have positions as Management Associates or much higher ranked positions. Seventy-two percent of Wal-Mart employees are female and less than one-third of those women have management po sitions in the company.With that in mind, the average male employee was paid about $5,000 more in 2001 per year than the average female full-time employee. As Wal-Marts own workforce data reveals, women in every major Job category at Wal-Mart have been paid less than men with the same seniority, in every year since 1997 even though the female employees on average have higher performance ratings and less turnover than men. (http//www. walmartclass. com). Dukes vs. Wal-Mart is express to be the largest and most famous gender discrimination lawsuit against a private employer and is the largest class-action suit in U.S. history, representing 1. 6 million current and former female employees. Betty Dukes was the leading plaintiff in the case and sued Wal-Mart for ex discrimination she was a fifty-four year old African-American woman who worked as a saluter for Wal-Mart. Factors such as seniority and performance were Wal-Marts main excuses and reasons that women earned from 5% to 15% less than men. It is disappointing to see that even the cashier positions, that are dominated by women, have men earning more than women.Wal-Mart not only overworks, under pays and discriminates against women, but it also provides neither childcare for workers or inexpensive family health benefits. Unaffordable healthcare Deductibles Wal-Mart employees are incapable of receiving healthcare benefits available for hem because of its high cost and their low wages. Since most of Wal-Marts employees are unable to afford these health benefits, most of these individuals either turn to government aided insurance such as Medicaid, depend on their spouses plans, or expect to see a doctor in archaic and emergency cases with no insurance.It is argued that uncovered Wal-Mart employees are not signing up for medical insurance and benefits because most of them exceed the income ceiling and are not eligible. Wal-Mart provides insurance for over 900,000 employees that are with and with out dependants . Employee premiums range between $143. 54 to $249. 71 per month for family coverage and $33. 04 to $72. 04 per month for single coverage. The National Average of workers covered by employer health insurance is 67 percent, and only 47 percent of Wal-Marts employees are covered by the companys health care plan.That is a huge gap when considering that each percent represents thousands of people. Most Wal-Mart employees have a difficult time aec101ng wnetner to attaln nealtn Insurance or stay unlnsurea Tor tne sake 0T saving money. Cynthia Murray, who has worked at a Wal-Mart store in Laurel, Md. , or six years, suffers from asthma, but goes to see a doctor only when she suffers a bad attack. Murray is 50 years old, makes $9. 47 an hour, and says that the Wal-Mart plan that costs $23 a month has a $1,000 deductible, which makes it too expensive for her to use. Another plan subtracts $100 from her paycheck every two weeks. l dont think anybody working at Wal-Mart has that kind of money, says Murray. All Im asking from Wal-Mart is a fair share (Gogol). Many Americans question why Wal- Mart, one of the richest companies in the United States, cant offer affordable health insurance and pay a living wage. Comparing Wal-Marts employee health benefits and wages to Costcos employee health benefits and wages, one will notice that Costco not only pays its employees higher than Wal-Mart but their deductions are far less. The average wage at Costco is $17 an hour. a full-time worker at Wal-Mart makes $7. 0 an hour on average. Costco workers pay Just 8% of their health premiums, whereas Wal-Mart workers pay 33% of theirs. Ninety-one percent of Costcos employees are covered by retirement plans, with the company contributing an annual average of $1 ,330 per employee (Cascio). Based on these facts, it is easy to ay that Wal-Mart employees are giving up a large portion of their paychecks to obtain health care. Wal-Mart employees who do have health insurance and receive coverage ar e paying more in premiums but receive less for their money in large corporations this has become a trend.New laws have been passed intended to force large corporations to control employee wages and reduce insurance deductibles. From law suits to employee complaints, Wal-Mart has recently thought of ways to reduce the cost of health benefits. The new plan would charge monthly premiums ranging from $25. 00 for individuals to $65. 0 for a family, making that 45-65% less than what employees contributed in the companys existing plan. But it is not enough to reform the reputation Wal-Mart has lost or the vulnerable employees they let down. oncluslons High productivity and lowering costs is one of the top and most important objectives in business. Wal-Mart being the Worlds largest retailer can afford to pay their associates more than what the minimum wage offers. They are in fact, the richest retailer in the world and yet neglect to provide their employees affordable health care with a liv able wage. Even if Wal-Mart was to pass 100 percent of the wage ncrease on to consumers, the average impact on a Wal-Mart shopper would be quite small.Wal-Marts choice of action toward employee wages, health benefits, and bias work environment have not only brought an enormous shadow over its employees lives but also over its own big business reputation. The injustice decisions made through out the history of Wal-Mart has changed many lives and has forever changed the American economy. In the business world, there is big, and then(prenominal) there is Wal-Mart. Recommendations Based on the conclusions presented above, the following actions are recommended 1 . Retaining associates already on staff would be more cost affective then high employee turnover. 2.Train employees. Give the opportunity to advance and have freedom to associate and organize. 12 3. Our analysis reveals that establishing a higher minimum wage for large retailers like Wal-Mart would have a significant impact on w orkers living in poverty or near- poverty. 4. In order to increase employee satisfaction, reforming the cost of health insurance would help keep Wal-Mart in good terms with their employees. 5. If Wal- Mart was to raise their prices by as little as a penny to the dollar it would afford them o pay the higher wages. Higher wages provide the employees opportunity to afford health coverage. . Implementing fair employment and labor practices.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Remember the titans Essay
To create such a remarkable scene is exhausting. recover the Titans the movie that I keep created is inspiring, exciting and watching it is an experience you wont forget. Created and produced in 2000 Remember the Titans has had much work, devotion and persistence put into it. The film distributes many reasons of why it should be in the 2014 Human rights Literature and Film festival. Remember the Titans has become such a marvellous piece of display, contribute how black and white unite for the better. The reason why Remember the Titans is such a valuable film is because it shows that two races can come together for the better to prosper and strive. This unique film shows that racial inequality can be overcome.Remember the Titans shows prejudice, but then again wear thint we all have a preconceived opinion of other(a)s? I believe we do. A key scene where prejudice is shown is when the players be about to go to camp at Gettysburg. Coach Boone has just arrived, he walks over to the coaches and gives them his play book. He is then approached and confronted by his Team Captain Gerry Bertier and police squad member Ray Budds. Gerry says to Coach Boone Im the only all American you got. He tells Coach Boone that he must reserve half of the team for the white players.The Dialogue also says we tiret need none of your people in the exoneration line Gerry referring to your people is categorising the team players as black and labels them as the other. While Bertier is in a confrontation with Coach Boone an over the shoulder close up shot is used. This shot establishes tension by the sober facial expressions and later a long shot shows hostile stance and posture. This scene shows how acid and blunt prejudice is in Remember the Titans.Remember the Titans is more than a film about winning, it involves union the two black and white races so they come together and form a knowledge, a sting like no other this is why for camp the players were taken to the battle of Gettysburg. During the camp coach Boone make the players take a 100 mile run to the burial grounds of the fallen soldiers. Boone says I dont c ar if you like each other right now, but you will respect each other. And maybe I dont know, maybe well learn to play this game like workforce Thetechnique is the use of the dialogue and the interpretation of this quote means that no matter how much racial hate the players have for each other they must learn to respect each other and if they do they can win.Taking the players on Camp would have been the most historic action for Coach Boone, because if they sleep, live, look at and practice together like those soldiers they have to come together as one, respect each other and work as a team. This scene shows that Remember the Titans is more than just about winning and how friendship and trust must be formed for them to succeed.Remember the Titans is one of a kind, and one of a kinds ar unique its uniqueness can be seen in the way it teach es us to overcome racism. In the low of the film, the white and black members of the team hate each other. The white players of the team dont call for to play with those black animals. The black players dont want to integrate either necessarily because they dont trust your people to be honest. A scene where this is seen clearly is when Ray and Petey are forced to learn about each other in camp. The two players are sitting on opposite sides facing each other like adversaries. The camera angle technique is a mid-shot. Dividing them is a path running between them up towards a big impostal door of Gettysburg College.This path represents the tradition of racism in America between blacks and whites all the way back to slave-ownership times that divides Alan and Petey in the present day. This camera shot is combined with a dialogue that is suspicious, personal and hurtful. The film remember the titans sends a communicate that a racism war has been fought for so many years and is still going, but these boys overcame racism and became one. Remember the Titans shows us how racial discrimination was overcame. It shows that it is possible for any age or race to be join and that together you can overcome racial discrimination and be stronger, this is why this film is so important and it would be a great film to be shown at the 2014 human rights literature and film festival. To non show it in the festival would be an abomination. Remember the Titans presents a memorable message that can servicing us overcome racial discrimination and work towards creating a fair and equal society.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of “Making a Killing off Captivity” by Melissa Richards
Kept in captivity since 1961, slayers withdraw been spectacles for millions of people each year who flock to marine parks around the world in hopes of entertainment and education. The chance to get close to such an incredible creature that hotshot may non have the opportunity to see otherwise is undoubtedly an amazing experience. But Melissa Richards questions in reservation a Killing off Captivity, at what cost argon we getting this experience? She argues that the compulsive painting big-name aquatic parks create for zoologys is in actual fact leading people to unknowingly support a cruel industry.Explaining the detrimental entraps of taking an grampus out of its natural home ground, Richards emphasizes her vexation for the conservation of Orcas and the importance of treating these tendinous and dangerous creatures with respect. Richards begins by setting a joyful scene of a SeaWorld grampus performance, an invitation for the reader to enter a high spirited fun spectacl e of an slayer. Weighing several tonnes the orca circles, leaps and splashes the de set abouted au become flatnce. Suddenly, the mood shifts horrifically as the trainer becomes victim to an orca attack in front of a stunned audience.The sharp metamorphose in mood is established by Richards when she says, The show ended to a usual bout of applause and cheers, until Tilly grabbed his trainer, Dawn Brancheau, by her ponytail and dragged the woman into his tank. Just as one would compute that the spectacle was over, the reader is shocked at the unexpected ending as the audience would have been at Seaworld. The readers apprehension of the orca as being a fun loving, friendly creature, exclamatory by the amusing moniker Tilly, immediately changes to perceiving the orca as a villain.Richards questions what could have prompted this sudden violent outburst from Tilikum, a giant star who has been in captivity for almost thirty years? This question brings new dimension to the matter at hand. Suddenly the situation isnt as black and white as one would have assumed. She elaborates by stating, the focus of being captive and made to perform daily had elicited a frustration against his trainer. Richards manipulates the readers acquaintance towards the orca, from a villain to a victim.The deliberate changes of perception towards orcas helps in avoiding predictability in Richards consideration, this is an effective way to celebrate the reader focused and intrigued in her writing. Richards elaborates by stating that captivity has had many detrimental effects on orcas including unorthodox illnesses, erratic behavior, deformities, neurotic problems and early death. These conditions bring light to the fact that the matter at hand is life history threatening and counterproductive to the goals of wildlife appreciation and conservation.Intertwining these critical issues of wildlife conservation and animal cruelty, she stresses the urgency in her argument. There is a ne ed to convey the mess hop on that action must be taken immediately. It is acknowledged that to know whether the orcas ar being mistreated in their artificial habitat, we must know the natural habitat of an orca. Richards does a worthy job of familiarizing the reader the sheer magnitude of a creature that many people be unkn avow to via statistics. Travelling one hundred nautical miles every daytimetime (qtd Landeau 1) and weighing 1. to 3. 6 heaps it is no wonder that their power and competency has earned them the nickname of the wolves of the sea. Despite the general impertinentness of these exotic creatures, Richards draws comparisons of the behavior and characteristics of Orcas to that of humans. Orcas have been found to create social and familial sticks with one another, The idea that whales piece similar bonds to their family as we do encourages the readers to change their belief that whales may not be as terra incognita of a species as they had imagined.This is fur ther elaborated when Richards states Mothers are the main caretakers of their military issue, but fathers will remain with their own matriarchal seedcase, lot to care for the young within this maternal line. Words such as caretakers, helping and care appeal to the readers emotions as we see how affectionate the orca species can be within their pod just as we are affectionate to our kin. The familial bonds within orca pods are very toughened and only can be broken through death and capture of member (qtd Williams 9).Suddenly, the loving image of an orca pod is brought back to our harsh reality as she clearly states that captivity devastates innocent orca families. While Richards draws emphasis to the social behavior of orcas, she also informs us of their impressive cognitive abilities. orcas are one of the few animals besides humans to have such distinctive language and shared speech patterns among individuals nourishment in the same area This shows that not only do orcas have strong communal bond with each other, they also communicate so effectively that this is a rare occurrence in the animal kingdom.She stresses the similarity amongst the reader and the orca species here, this creates familiarity. Moreover, she compares the habitat and behavior of orcas in the wild to those held captive in marine parks. Incorporating the opinion of a former Seaworld trainer (Jeffrey Ventre), a truly credible source considering her experience, the argument is strengthened by a bold statement. the SeaWorld system is the best of all seaquaria in the world, if I was an orca, that would be the last place Id want to live This suggests that even at its best, marine parks and seaquarias are outlying(prenominal) from the ideal habitat for an orca.Ventre compares an orca tank to an acoustically dead cement pond emphasizing the benumb atmosphere of a captive orcas habitat. Case studies of orcas being neurologically and fleshlyly damaged because of captivity add credibleness to Richards case. Due to inadequate space in which to swim (qtd Williams 52), the dorsal fins of an orca can collapse. This could happen as a result of colliding with the side of the small tank. The size of orca tanks can have great effect on the neurological stability of an orca where some have been documented to self induce physical damage.According to Listening to Whales by Alexandra Morton, a young killer whale was observed rushing over to a particular spot and banging her head against the underside of a dock. Swimming in circles and being separated from their families causes the orca to become neurotic. Isolation can be severely detrimental for an orca as some are forced to be in solitary confinement. If orcas cannot adapt to captivity they are made to endure horrifying conditions as in the case study of Junior who died lethargic and insane by and by being kept in an indoor pool without natural light and other orcas.Richards emphasized that orcas are highly social creatures s o the idea that it is common practice for captive orcas to be disjointed is truly shocking. To further support her argument, Richards shows us how captivity is harmful to orcas with the use of numbers and statistics. After the startle orca was taken into captivity in 1961 at least 106 (79%) are now dead (qtd Williams 4). The mean(a) lifespan of an orca is approximately sixty to eighty years, which means the majority of orcas do not die from a natural death. This is addressed when Richards states one in five of these deaths were a result of avoidable or preventable causes.It is clear that preventing the death of orcas is not unachievable if more people knew the risks of captivity. Richards appeals to the reader by explaining how the birth between a mother orca and its offspring can be heartbreakingly affected by sustentation in a tank. After a giving birth to a series of orcas that died in weeks, corky the killer whale was encountering a problem in which her offspring could not instinctually find the spot on Corky to nurse on. This is because of the circular nature of the tank. In the wild, orcas travel in straight lines that make it easier for the offspring to feed. Corky had been continuously pregnant for almost ten years and finally at the young age of twenty one, Corky stopped ovulating. The death of multiple innocent babies that was so easily avoidable is sad and makes the reader sympathize with these creatures. Other occurrences that may not be seen in the wild is aggression between orcas. Richards documents a sickening account of two orcas fighting aggressively. As Kandu hemorrhaged into the tank and spouted blood from her blowhole onto the stage, SeaWorld staffed ushered a shocked audience out of the audience This gruesome event graphically conveys the dose that captivity induces strange behavior in orcas, ultimately due to neurological damage. This study makes a point of noting the sheer strength and ferocity that an orca can possess. Overall I deliberate Richards does a commendable job of conveying her argument. She uses credible sources and reliable statistics in order to support her point of view. I have personally been to an orca show in California, reading this oblige made me reflect on that experience and completely change my perception.At the time the experience was completely positive and almost magical as we stepped in to a fantasy land where Shamu was almost a cartoon character, jumping and leaping out of glee. Reading this article has made me realize that Shamu is far from an enchanting Disney character but is actually one of the fiercest, most unchewable predators in the ocean. Richards has achieved this with her various case studies that enlightened me on the magnitude of an orca and its ability to kill not only humans but other orcas too. She has persuaded the reader to support her argument with the use of emotions.However, Richards has made an swither to avoid rambling needlessly to provoke empathy by using clear facts to accompany her opinions. An aspect of her explore paper that I would change would be the incorporation of the Vancouver Aquarium. The aim of Richards argument was to eliminate captivity in order to conserve the orca population and animal cruelty. However, she has shown Vancouver aquarium in a positive light by stating it eliminates parallel surfaces, reduces noise transmission and improves acoustics within the water.Although Vancouver Aquarium vowed to end orca shows after the death of an orca in their aquarium, I believe Richards message in this quotation is that these conditions are satisfactory for an orca in captivity. My personal belief is that no orca should be taken from their natural habitat and away from their pod at all. I believe that this article was written at a point in time that it was needed the most. Conservation and wildlife protection is of utmost importance as hundreds of species a day are rapidly moving towards extinction. This article has shown that we need to be more aware of how we treat animals.Ultimately, Richards has do a fantastic job of educating the reader about a topic that is alien to many. With the use of powerful statistics, thought provoking points and emotional case studies, she has produced a strong argument. The ultimate reaction I believe many readers will walk away from this article with is disappointment, distaste and disillusionment towards orca shows and marine parks. The following(a) time one makes a trip to SeaWorld they must question whether they are going for a day of education and entertainment or whether they are supporting a business built on growing of innocent orcas.
Douglas Spalding Essay
Douglas Spalding was the architect of ethology, the scientific study of animal behaviour. He started his research in the mid 1800s. His studies discounted British empiricist adopts that animal skill regarding depth, distance perception and sound localization were learned by the animals while they were young. Spalding study of ethology involved the determiner of behavior such as instinct is behavior that is predisposed or shaped by natural selection or innate pre-programmed behavior.To address the British empiricist claim that perceptual abilities did not require experience, he conducted an study dealing with instinct. He open a set of an egg where chicks, baby chickens, not girls, where about to hatch and just before their eyes overt, he opened a piece of the egg, and covered the chicks head with a hood. After removing the hood the chick showed no cause of not being able to see and was able to locate insects to eat, thus showing innate behavior is extremely valuable in animal be havior and not experience.Critical period research is larn that occurs at a specific age or life stage. Critical period is behavior thats developed within a specific time frame. Spalding withheld chicks from the mother for 10 days. The chicks didnt hear or see their mother for ten days. Spalding introduced the chicks to the calls of the mother however, the chicks did not recognize their mother. Spalding observation showed at particular stages in life innate behavior is developed with a specific time. Spalding experiments and observations supported the claim that animals innate behaviors not experiences is a determiner of behavior.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Jack Londonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ÅTo Build a Fireââ¬Â -Analysis Essay
In Jack Londons To Build a Fire the setting of the forgetful level plays a significant role. Jack London uses specific techniques to establish the atmosphere and t matchless of the story. By introducing his readers to the setting, London prepargons them for a tone that is depressed and fear-provoking. Isolated by an environment of frigid weather and doom, the germ shows us how the main character of the story is completely unaware of his surroundings. The save world the hu earth race is in truth accustomed to is the world he has created for himself. Since musical compositiony of us have neer been exposed to such a harsh climate, Londons account that the environment is the determining factor of his survival paints an accurate picture. Anything that the man and his dog come into contact with creates an expectation for disaster in the story.The significance of the words dying and finding in the story continuously expresses the mans dwindling warmth and bad luck in his journey al ong the Yukon trail to meet his fri suppresss at camp. London associates dying with the mans decrease ability to hitch warm in the frigid Alaskan climate. The main characters predicament slowly worsens one level at a time finally resulting in death. London places a strong speech pattern on the setting in the introduction to the story. Day had broken cold and rusty, exceedingly cold and grey He repeats these phrases to emphase to the reader the impact the setting has on the lives of the characters. The gloominess of the setting causes the man and his dog to participation a unalterable battle in a world of depression. Lacking the virtue of imagination, the man is only gifted with his practical knowledge. This ignorance result hamper his ability to adapt to the conditions and stresses surrounding him.Typically the man neer wants to deal with reality especially when the reality is unpleasant. But all this-the mysterious, far-reaching hairline trail, the absence of sun from the sk y, the trem closeous cold, and the unfamiliarity of it all- made no impression on the man. He is able to tolerate the trouble some(prenominal) temperatures and climate he is surrounded by, he neer attempts to face monster within him. Facing what he would do if the necessary were to happen is this mans worst fear. This fear causes the man to become selfish, only focusing on the actions and thoughts that are acceptable to him. The mans ignorance to his surroundings and self-indulgence foreshadows a possible downfall.London provides us with subconscious hints that travel the reader to believe that the man will suffer a tragedy in the end of the story. only(prenominal) relying on his previous experiences causes the man to be a di dolefulvantage to his dog. A dog by personality is an animal that has the natural gift of instinct. Under these bitter conditions, the dog was capable of survival because of those instincts. The dog follows the man throughout his ill faded journey, but afte r the man succumbs to the weather, the burly relies upon his instincts to survive. Being placed in this type of environment is the main conflict of the story for both the main character and the dog.Relying only on his judgment, the man can non prepare to prevent a disaster from occurring. Londons constant focus on the how the environment affected the man and his reaction to being unable to survive equal his dog gives the reader certain hints. At this point London has already given an insight to the conclusion of the story. The theme of Londons To Build a Fire is how we should all take heed to sophisticated knowledge and learned behavior has its benefits, but our primal instincts should never have ignored. The man in the story had lots of knowledge but neglected to pay attention to his sixth sense. The dog on the opposite hand, followed as long as he could but then let his instincts carry him to safety. We can never have enough knowledge to replace the survival skill that nature has provided us.Lured in by the piece of the story the reader keeps on reading, waiting in anticipation of the danger of the climate to overcome the man. On the other hand, there was no keen intimacy between the dog and the man. The one was the toil striver of the other, and the only caresses it had ever received were the caresses of the trounce lash and of harsh and menacing throat sounds that threatened the whip lash. Although the dog was obviously anxious, he was unconcerned with the safety of the man. If the man was to come upon serious danger, the dog would not be willing to help him. Not being concerned with anything somewhat inventive, the man put himself in a position to anticipate death. His selfishness and ignorance keeps him in a situation of danger anddisaster.The climax of the story is when the man falls through the ice, wetting himself up to his knees. Preparing himself in advance might have prevented the mans accident in the water. The man ignorance once again caus ed him to be unprepared for this kind of situation. The man never as well ask the proper precautions because he never thought of how to cope with a deadly situation. The only help he was given for a similar situation was the advice of an old timer from Sulphur creek. Viciously, the man attempted to layover his appendages from freezing, but was unsuccessful as the dog watched.Londons portrayal of the man does not ab initio give the reader the theme of dying, but slowly develops the theme as the story develops. The story doesnt mention death until the last several pages. The main character changes from an enthusiastic pioneer to a sad and desperate man. The conclusion of the story portrays the man accepting his fate and understands the old-timer at Sulphur Creek had been right no man must travel alone in the Klondike after fifty below. victimisation characterization, London is able to present why certain people are alive at the end and how one benefits from being social. The old-t imer at Sulfur Creek is alive because he is experienced and extraneous enough to benefit from others experiences that it is not wise to travel alone in the Yukon. The boys at camp are also alive because they are together and can benefit from each other. The mans husky is alive because it is well-suited for the Yukon environment, while the man is not. Unlike the other characters, London has the man die at the end of the story to illustrate that he dies because of his arrogance in his ability to travel alone. If the man travels with a bloke or a companion of equal instinct, he can benefit from him and possibly return safely to camp.In the opening paragraph London presents us with a scene that is gloomy, depressing, and ominous, these elements foreshadow an outcome that will be fatal to our protagonist. Our man has no name, but he does not need one, he could be any man that has bitten off more than he can chew he does notconsidered the consequences of his actions until it is too late . By then there can be no return, he has crossed the line that cannot be uncrossed, because he trusts his intellectual thought process, not paying attention to mans intuitive thoughts, the instinctual ones that some men consider less valid because they come from the unconscious mind. His unwillingness to contemplate the extreme cold, the tho used trail, his dogs instincts, reflect the mans inability to view the whole picture. As London puts it the man had no imagination he thought only to keep moving and stay dry, then he would be fine, however the man in the end could do neither.
Friday, May 17, 2019
My Roles as a Teacher Essay
My role as a ICT tutor, sometimes requires me to be mentor or even an absent friend to support my learners emotionally through their learning. All of this provides me the bureau to enable learning to the best of my ability. I have a responsibility to ensure that students gain the cognition and skills they require to become effective learners. Also the responsibility to meet the high standards of professed(prenominal) and ethical carriage required by the learner, and my profession itself.The responsibilities listed below provide guidance for me as a teacher. * To demonstrate the highest standards of professional behaviour, exercise professional judgement and act in a considerate and sensitive manner when interacting with students, or caregivers, staff and the public. * To be conscious of the need for equitable treatment of all students, including those with disabilities or other supererogatory needs to meet the one-on-one learning needs of students and assist each student to maxi mize his or her learning outcomes. To be familiar with the provisions of legislation relevant to my official responsibilities.* To per mixed bag my duties efficiently and efficaciously and with honesty, integrity and fairness at all times * To ensure that decisions are made fairly and conveyed quickly both within the Department and to those students and members of the public who have a right to know. * To use in haveation gained in the course of employment only for proper and appropriate purpose. To use public resources economically * I moldiness non, under whatsoever circumstances, have knowledgeable relationships with students. It is irrelevant whether the relationship is homo informal or heterosexual, consensual or non-consensual . The age of the students or staff member involved is also irrelevant. * I must not, under both circumstances, assume in conduct of a sexual temperament with a student.Improper conduct of a sexual nature by me against a student includes sexual in tercourse and any other form of child sexual abuse (which must be notified) as well as but not limited to inappropriate conversations of a sexual nature obscene language of a sexual nature suggestive remarks or actions jokes of a sexual nature obscene gestures unwarranted and inappropriate touching sexual exhibitionism personal correspondence with students in respect of my sexual touchings for the student and deliberate exposure of students to sexual behavior of others.Prescribed medications and non-prescribed medications (such as analgesics) should only be administered in accordance with departmental guidelines. You must not give students alcoholic drink or other drugs, or encourage or condone the use of alcohol or other drugs by students. * I must not, under any circumstances, use any form of discipline that includes any threat of physical violence or harm, corporal punishment or engage in any form of behaviour which could cause physical, emotional or psychological harm of any k ind to students.Several examples of good or acceptable behaviour Teacher-student relationships Partici knavishe in social get across with a student only after obtaining informed consent of the student (and principal where appropriate) such clash includes meetings, sporting events, phone calls or electronic communications, e. g. , emails and text messages When acting as a students mentor, develop a relationship with clear professional boundaries that cannot be misinterpreted as a personal, rather than a professional, interest in the student. If a student develops a crush on you, inform a supervisor, so independent, sensitive advice and support are available Praise and recognise all students when appropriate, so they all feel fairly treated. Physically contact students in a way that makes them comfortable, e. g. , shaking hands, a congratulatory pat on the back. To be alert to cues from students about how comfortable they are in your proximity and respect individual needs for p ersonal space. Be aware of cultural norms that may influence interpretation of your behaviour towards students.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
A research paper of a film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
A research paper of a film - Essay ExampleMost importantly, the information is stored for future use and hence conserves the culture of the respective individuals.In most instances, the background of the writers greatly influences the nature of the film. In particular, it is widely agreed that the previous experiences of the writers are commonly highlighted in the films. This is because of the fact that the respective experiences shape the perceptions of the authors as well as the decisions that they make. To a great extent, their previous experiences regarding education and professional develop have a direct impact on the quality of the products that the individuals present on the market. Perhaps the most important spirit pertains to the culture of the author or director of the film. In most instances, this will always be reflected in the piece of work. It is against this background that this paper explores the themes presented in The Wedding junket in light of Ang Lees experienc es. To enhance a harmonic consideration, the paper begins by highlighting the cultural setting of the film.The Wedding Banquet is an Asian-American film that is based on both the American and Asian values, virtues, traditions and culture. Seemingly, it explores the aforementioned cultural perspectives through its characters and themes. fit to Berry, this is aimed at bridging the gaps between the American and Asian cultures in an effort to come up with a multifactorial and unified version (Berry 33). From a cultural point of view, unification or reconciliation of cultures is an important aspect of enhancing cultural growth. Put differently, this makes the audience to understand and appreciate both cultures. From a business standpoint, this is instrumental in enable the film to reach a broader and more diversified client base. Undoubtedly, this is critical in enabling the author to meet his or her business goals without compromising the
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Tips for a 5th Grade Student Entering Middle School (6th Grade) Essay
Tips for a 5th Grade Student Entering position School (6th Grade) - Essay Exampleunior instill to the pith school results in the same feelings for every student however, it brings new opportunities to develop and prove your capabilities in front of rest of the world (Consalvo, 2005). In brief, the 3-year journey at the middle school is altogether about the notion of change that plays an influential role in a students life, and that decides the nature of experience a student has during this period (Haffner, pp. 105-108).Transition from a cured at the junior school to a junior at the middle school requires a arrive of changes from a student, and it is very important that the student to prepare himself/herself for the expectations of the higher platform. In the junior school, I was a child or merely a kid depending on parents at home, teachers at school, and friends in the playground. However, middle school provided a sense of independence to me that every child acquires at the c ommencement of the middle school (Haffner, pp. 105-108). Thus, the foremost recommendation is to remain prepared for new surprises, challenges, tasks, etc while facing them as opportunities to become happy in the school.In this regard, independence is the major attribute of the middle school however, it comes with the responsibility of fulfilling obligations individually. This may look fun-filled experience, and it was a thrilling journey however, it did require many efforts. For instance, academically, schoolwork suddenly becomes more difficult, as things vary from descriptive to analytical, and teachers expect students to be more logical and interpretive in their thoughts. On contrary, I was depending all the time on teachers and parents to help me in the schoolwork during the junior school however, this practice changes when parents, as hearty as teachers start depending on the students to put efforts and prove the skills.Besides academic complexities, middle school is too t he period of transition from a child to an adult physically, and these physical
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Construction Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Construction Industry - Essay ExampleLove et al. (2010) pointed out that fray occurrence brush off be instigated by a diversified array of factors such as the dispute regarding the wage of the employee, a dispute regarding working(a) hours, disputes regarding quality standard, misunderstandings and whimsicality between employee-employer and so on Yiu and Cheung (2007) pointed out that dispute between employer and supplier might occur due to untimely supply, frequent client change, increased project cost etc. There are examples of an industrial dispute between a face worker and employer regarding unhealthy working condition or complex body part site hazards. In short, the above examples are denoting the diversity of dispute issues among employee and employer. major industrial dispute issues in the formulation sphere will be identified in the by-line section.Love et al. (2010) stated that dispute might rise up due to the nature of the task being performed by the workers in the workplace and there are instances when suppliers or workers fail to comply with the compliances and mandatory quality norms. Love et al. (2010) gave examples of construction projects when labors of the supplier disagreed with the frequent change in work location which was causing them trouble. However, there are cases, when construction employees were dissented with workers due to wrongful discharge from the duty or lay-off. From the legal viewpoint, wrongful discharge from duty peck be viewed as the breach of implied contract between construction workers and employers.... Well, the reader will get diametric answers as they move from one country to another. Industrial dispute issues faced by Australian construction diligence might not be similar with the British construction industry due to factors equal different political orientation, economic volatility, culture and expectation of workers etc. However, in the next section, the researcher will try to find some definitive industrial dispute issues facing by construction industry in general. Dispute Occurrence Love et al. (2010) pointed out that dispute occurrence can be instigated by diversified array of factors such as dispute regarding the wage of employee, dispute regarding working hours, disputes regarding quality standard, misunderstandings and unpredictability between employee-employer etc. Yiu and Cheung (2007) pointed out that dispute between employer and supplier might occur due to faulty supply, frequent client change, increased project cost etc. There are examples of industrial dispute between construction worker and employer regarding unhealthy working condition or construction site hazards. In short, the above examples are denoting the diversity of dispute issues among employee and employer. Major industrial dispute issues in construction sector will be identified in the following section. Pathogens Love et al. (2010) stated that dispute might arise due to the nature of task being perfor med by the workers in the workplace and there are instances, when suppliers or workers fail to comply with the compliances and mandatory quality norms. Love et al. (2010) gave examples of construction projects, when labors of the supplier disagreed with the frequent change in work location which was causing them trouble. However, there
Monday, May 13, 2019
Mini Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
mini - Case Study ExampleThis in turn has driven Panera to be a leading steadfastly in restaurant industry and grown in sales and profit pies (as evidenced in go into 1 and 2)Panera has undertaken quite a number of strategies that have spurred it to stay ahead of its competitors. First, it has pursue customer justice strategies manifested in areas such quality customer service rooted in all its systems and procedures. For instance, the order accuracy, m of delivery and ambience of service have improved the rate of satisfaction. This has boosted the loyalty and brand name of the firm.(comerford and Collaghan,p.14).Second, it has pursued both product and market development strategies. These have been evidenced in diversifying in more regions in order to bring products and services closer to their customers. Sales have increased through the adoption of advanced programs such as improving product features to suit and satisfy quite a variety of customers with unhomogeneous tastes and preferences.(Porter, 13)The firm has also undertaken proper pecuniary management strategies that have ensured no debt. Its liquidity has trended upwards than either of its competitors. It is most efficient evidenced in asset that has translated into more profit. It has a narrower operating margin. The firm bath also improve its value by pursuing the following strategical options (Collaghan and comerford,)Diversify into more strategic units so that a wide customer base. The improvement of service will create a emend relationship with the community thus improving the profit margin pies of the firm in the end.Increase the work out in social marketing strategies with an aim of making a wider customer community. Todays customer like sophisticated technologies such as facebook, twitter and yelp. This will involve a substantial financial investment.1) The economic environment remains the same for seven-year period. For instance, that there will be no
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Teamwork roles evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Teamwork roles evaluation - Essay ExampleNike is one of the major USA found multinational sportswear and footwear manufacturer company. They are having nearly 56000 employees working for them and in their manufacturing process. Nike is facing great challenge from Adidas, Puma, Under Armour, Rebook, Asics and many other physical compositions in terms of quality and product features. Therefore, they are demand to ensure high quality and innovative production for maintaining compatibility in the global market. Teamwork capacity will be creating opportunities to increase profitable growth through improved productivity. Such strategies increase competitive advantage of Nike in globalised market. Teamwork aims to increase the efficiency of organisations with the help of combined efforts of employees. Employees or teams will be able to act in effect in the complex situations. They are facing continuously changing technologies in the operational process. In addition, the multidepartment organisation is facing huge challenge of the conflict between organisational team members. Nike empowered their leaders to resolve contrasted state in terms of increasing productivity. The organisation is aimed to increase the teamwork capacity among the employees so that they can fortune unfamiliar tasks and potential solution. Nike teams are also composed for the purpose of outlining creativity and initiative taking might of individual organisational members.Global leaders of Nike are concentrating on motivating and preparing employees for any uncertain situations.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Scholarly Paper - Healthcare Informatics Theories & Policies Essay
Scholarly Paper - Healthcare Informatics Theories & Policies - Essay Exampleification (CCC), Perioperative nurse data Set (PNDS), the Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS), The Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC), International Classification for Nursing formula (ICNP), the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC).The American Nurses Association has approved thirteen, but only ten are considered crabbed to breast feeding care. NANDA-I will be the main considered terminology in this essay. NANDA-I maintains an agreed gear up of diagnoses, which are hence used to select appropriate nursing interventions and develop desirable patient outcomes. Its taxonomy is organized into 13 domains of nursing practice, 46 classes, and 216 diagnoses. NANDA-I has been found to be used extensively both in the joined States and globally (About NANDA, n.d.).NANDA clear up the way of diagnostic taxonomy in nursing. During the first National Conference on Classification of Nursing Diagnoses, 1973, a t ask force was formed. It later evolved into an incorporated Association in 1982 to help nurses who were in the United States and Canada. The work on classification was begun by Kristie Gebbie and Mary Ann Lavin, faculty at St. Louis University, by calling a classification conference. They influenced the current decisions of the identification-classification process through their belief that nurses should be involved in the development process. A diagnosis is a clinical decision about an individuals response to real or possible health problems. It is the foundation for choosing the appropriate nursing intervention to get an outcome for, which the nurse is accountable. Gordons observation was of diagnosis being a model that puts a meaning on a set of observations therefore triggering understanding and thinking about the set. This phenomenon forms the basis of every diagnostic concept of today (Speksnijder et al., 2011). succeeding to specifying the goals of a proposed system, the iden tification process begins. The subject phenomena are identified. NANDA
Friday, May 10, 2019
MNEs only tend to migrate to greener activity if force by government Essay
MNEs only tend to migrate to blue jeter activity if force by government regulations - Essay congresswomanThe rest of the essay will present views from both sides of the debate and argue that ultimately a healthy regulative framework is all important(p) if Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) argon to take green standards seriously. In looking to come the topic question, it is useful to peruse sociological scholarship and policy literature on the subject. Conventionally, analyses of the topic make water tended to focus on corporate compliance within existing legislations. Here, it is tacitly assumed that complying with regulations by targeted groups is essential and sufficient for meeting goals of social regulation. (Dahl, 2010, p.248) Another assumption is that business enterprises go out of their way and rectify their green standards only when they are faced with steep penalties for failing to do so. In this analytic framework, corporations are seen as amoral calculators of ri sk and reward for themselves and their primary motive is to maximize profits while minimizing losses in the form of penalties. This used to be the traditional view on corporate compliance. Yet, in recent eld a refreshingly new pattern of corporate behaviour has started to emerge, giving government agencies and social activists re-create hope. (Kagan, et. Al., 2003, p.52) It is becoming apparent that an increasing number of companies now perform, to a greater or lesser extent, beyond compliance with existing regulatory requirements. This suggests that the degree of variation in, and the motivations for, corporate behaviour may be a lot broader than many researchers have imagined previously. This is of practical importance some existing regulatory strategies, in focusing on compliance, have failed to facilitate, reward, or encourage beyond-compliance behaviour, or even inadvertently discourage it, while other regulatory reformers, in contrast, have argued that government-mandated s elf-regulationis the key to progress. (Kagan, et. Al., 2003, p.51) Hence, it could be argued, that MNEs need not always be pushed by government regulations in order to make their activities clean and green. Scholars such as Samuel Loewenberg, on the other hand, are not quite enthused by the record of major corporations (especially those based in the United States), in upholding green standards. The chemical industry in the United States, which is a major contributor to environmental pollution, has been a perpetrator in this regard. While the industry got away with its slack quality and safety standards in its home country, it got into controversies upon opening into the European market. The EU, worried that it does not possess health and environmental data on most of the chemical compounds currently in use, is drawing up legislation that by 2005 will require the industry to subscribe extensive safety tests on 30,000 common chemicals. At least 1,500 are expected to be prohibited or severely restricted in their use as a result. The industry estimates that the testing only will cost it more than $7.5 billion. (Loewenberg, 2003, p.55) MNEs based in the United States, whose present safety norms are supported by Washington, continues to put pressure on the EU to loosen up its standards. In Washington, MNEs wielding insider connections and an abundance of campaign funds are used to wooing legislators and regulators. (Vernon, 2010, p.B04) But this tactic does not
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